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Browse Items (1976 total)

  • rptno25fragge_082707101519.pdf
  • rptno24fragge_082707112230.pdf

    Memo to Lee Cropp, I-RM-D concerning security classification.
  • qtrlyrpt23_082707102252.pdf

    Memo to Mr. Lee Cropp indicating that 'the film' had been reviewed and was deemed to contain no classified information.
  • technforreliability_021808121222.pdf

    Design review is becoming a basic requirement during the design and development of military systems. The main purpose of the design review is to increase the system's inherent and operational reliability. The major portion of this paper is the result of reliability's effort to comply with Paragraph 3.6 of NPC 250-1 Reliability Program Provisions for Space Contractors. The design review to be discussed is a reliability circuit design review with emphasis placed on what should be reviewed and the review techniques employed. The basic circuit design review prerequisites, component parts and their ratings, are discussed at the beginning of this paper. The remainder deals with the organization and reviewing of circuits. The review items include worst-case circuit performance, component applications, failure mode analysis, noise rejection, electrical stress, and the determination of component temperatures. Many examples are included to illustrate how each item was accomplished. This paper is intended not only to give the reliability analyst cognizance of basic design problems and troublesome circuits, but also, to aid him in formulating a design review program.
  • cleandconcon_071107110215.pdf

    The document is a paper describing contamination cleaning methods and advocating for further developments in the field. Tables and figures are included at the end of the paper. The figures include a comparison of Saturn V with Saturn I and Saturn IB and cross-sections of the Saturn C-5, S-IC stage fuel tank assembly and oxidizer tank assembly.
  • corrprobasswithspaclaunveh_031607135408.pdf

    A document reporting various space vehicle corrosion issues. Original is photocopy.
  • Impamanudesi.pdf

    The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the need for accessibility in the assembly and maintenance of spacecraft. This is especially pertinent because accessibility to subsystems for replacement, repair, and maintenance has proven to be one of the more costly phases of preflight preparation. The most successful programs in this day and age have been when the design and manufacturing engineers work side by side around a mockup where solutions to the problems can be visually seen and solved, keeping in mind the assembly as related to accessibility. Therefore, it will be shown that in order to overcome the difficulties, designers should adapt a hard, fast ground rule that each unit must be accessible and individually removable without disturbing the other units.; Aeronautic and Space Engineering and Manufacturing Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif. Oct. 7 - 11, 1968.
  • telsysdesforsatveh_110907094526.pdf

    This paper discusses the data system requirements for large space vehicles and describes a flexible telemetry system design which is used on all stages of the Saturn IB and Saturn V vehicles. The basic vehicle telemetry design provides standard assembly building blocks forming a versatile catalogue of parts from which a stage telemetry subsystem may be assembled to meet almost any conceivable monitoring requirement. In addition to its inflight monitoring function, the telemetry subsystem also provides real time data acquisition for automatic vehicle checkout.
  • ssfmanewteltec_031307114348.pdf

    A technique new to telemetry is discussed which promises to alleviate an enigma facing the telemetry engineer : How to adequately transmit the avalanche of vibration and other wideband data desired in the development phase of large missiles and launch vehicles. The data channels are stacked in the frequency spectrum as single sideband subcarriers which frequency modulate the RF carrier. The system design utilizes to advantage the statistical properties of vibration data to achieve maximum data transmission efficiency from the available RF carrier deviation. However, in contrast to proposed statistical predigestion techniques, the data is transmitted in raw form.
  • Liquhydrotechnj2engi_080807144837.pdf

    subject of the speech is the application of oxygen/hydrogen technology the 5-2 engine system.