This is a copy of a "World in Color" film produced by Harold F. Jenkins in partnership with the state of Tennessee. It shows the sights of Great Smoky Mountain National Park, such as vistas, bears, and hiking trails.
Klaus plays with other children and trims a rose bush with Ingeborg. Arrival of "Lilo and family", play with a small child in the front yard. Klaus takes a trip the playground and Monte Sano to hike and shoot his BB gun.
"Nikolaustag" celebration 1953. Klaus polished his boots to be filled with apples and various treats. Scenes of Christmas in the Dannenberg household including decorations, cards, and presents. Film ends with footage a New Years party.
Christmas neighborhood decorations in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, winter 1955. Klaus, Konrad, and Ingeborg Dannenberg hunt for Easter eggs in California in spring of 1956 at 5901 Jumilla Ave.
Klaus, Konrad, and Ingeborg Dannenberg attend Easter Services and return to 5901 Jumilla Ave. in Los Angeles, California for Easter celebrations, Spring 1956.
The document is a list of tools from the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory at MSFC. Included in the list are the tool numbers, titles, and stages of development. Prior to the list the document includes a handwritten note from Bill Vardaman. Issue April 1968. Office R-ME-TDP.