UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (1976 total)

  • Marsanaldms_040709154542.pdf
  • masspaceeff_081707101855.pdf

    Presentation reviewing the complex engineering undertaken at NASA and the mathmatical problems that need to be solved regarding the space program.
  • Marsspacflig.pdf

    Photocopy. A collection of interviews and biographical data.
  • MasLisProj_050208091309.pdf

    Note attached to document to Mr. Christensen from William D. Putnam. List of projects ordered by criteria.
  • Mastplanfordocu.pdf

    Prepared for National Aeronautics and Space Administration, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama. Accepted by V.C. Sorensen, Chief, Management Services Office. Management Services Project, RCA; SUMMARY: The objective of this study is to describe a comprehensive plan for the development and full utilization of methods and means to be employed in the years prior to 1976 for the effective acquisition, collection, storage, retrieval, distribution, and use of engineering documentation. Because of the violently changing state of the art of data acquisition, storage, and retrieval the description of the plan does not embrace the details of a total decade of phased change. Rather it describes actions that can and should be taken in the relatively near future, and proposes a continuing series of later studies to keep this plan current for the full decade.
  • Mastplanfordocu.pdf

    The objective of this study is to describe a comprehensive plan for the development and full utilization of methods and means to be employed in the years prior to 1976 for the effective acquisition, collection, storage, retrieval, distribution, and use of engineering documentation. Because of the violently changing state of the art of data acquisition, storage, and retrieval the description of the plan does not embrace the details of a total decade of phased change. Rather it describes actions that can and should be taken in the relatively near future, and proposes a continuing series of later studies to keep this plan current for the full decade.
  • Mateorgachar_012309115117.pdf

    Saturn S-II Program Organizational chart.
  • mateinspacexpl_080107092258.pdf

    This paper presents a general review of major structural alloys that have been used in liquid rockets and space vehicles, the current state-of-the-art as applied to the Apollo launch vehicle systems, and discusses some materials currently under development for future requirements in vehicles for space exploration. Some aspects of the importance of corrosion resistant materials and suitable protective measures are discussed, as applied to both flight hardware and associated ground support equipment.
  • spc_dann_000144.mp4

    Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg Dannenberg and others attend party at McCrary house in Birmingham, Alabama. In latter half group walks to a pond. May 1957.
  • spc_dann_000172.mp4

    Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg Dannenberg go to a party at the McCrarys' house. Shown are pictures of the adults chatting, as well as a scene of Klaus playing catch with another boy at the party. Konrad Dannenberg's notes on the film box read, "Summer Excursion to the McCrary's - 23 May '59. Scene around the house. Burmah and Mc - The Kids play baseball incl. I. Pizarro. The Ludewigs arrive." May 1959.