Browse Items (1976 total)
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"Assurance and Measurement of Space Vehicle Alignment."
Prepared by A. W. Dryden, Quality Engineer, Quality Engineering, Reliability Assurance, Space Systems Center, Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc., Huntington Beach, California. Presented to the 21st Annual Technical Conference for the American Society for Quality Control, Chicago, Illinois. 30 May to 2 June 1967. -
"Letter to The President and White House."
Correspondance between the President and Hugh L. Dryden regarding administrative limitations of the President's power. -
Letter to Dr. Hugh Odishaw.
Letter to Hugh Odishaw from Donald Hornig regarding a previous meeting as well as an F-1 engine report. -
"Saturn Radar Altimeter."
Paper given at the AIAA Guidance and Control Conference, August 12-14, 1963, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. -
"The Astrodynamicist's Role vis-a-vis the Systems Engineer."
By J. Reynolds Duncan, Jr., Aerospace Engineer, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama. AIAA 7th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, New York City, New York, January 20 - 22, 1969. -
"Saturn I/IB Launch Vehicle Operational Status and Experience."
6Aeronautic and Space Engineering and Manufacturing Meeting, Los Angeles, California. -
"NEXUS concept of a large reusable earth launch vehicle."
Aspects of Earth-to-orbit delivery are discussed and a cost analysis of the logistic operation and the cost of orbital operations are presented. Probabilities of success of orbital delivery and the operational and economic aspects of establishing large orbital installations and maintaining a large transportation volume in the 1975/85 time period are compared for the two cases using a large number of Saturn V versus a smaller number of 1-stage chemical Post-Saturn launch vehicles. Performance parameters of chemical, chemonuclear and nuclear launch vehicles are compared. The concept of a blunt launch vehicle configuration referred to as NEXUS is presented in detail. Applications of this configuration to chemonuclear propulsion and to a 50 ft diameter version of Saturn V with recoverable first stage are discussed. -
"The Influence of Apollo/Saturn V Launch Operations on Lunar Site Selection: Case 330."
This paper presents some relationships between Apollo/Saturn V launch operations and multiple lunar landing sites, including the means by which site selection could facilitate launch operations. -
"Dec. 21 - 4:51 a.m. -One of great explorations of all time begins."
News article detailing how Apollo 8 is ready for launch and the anticipation surrounding it. -
"All systems 'go' for liftoff of Apollo 10."
News article detailing that the final preparations for the lift-off of the Apollo rocket have been completed.