UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (1976 total)

  • newsreleaseliqhydrog_041207113432.pdf

    Press release covering the nature and use of liquid hydrogen
  • douairnewreldisintgroqualtesprofrosIVsta_041107131816.pdf

    ABSTRACT: Discusses intensive ground qualification testing program for S-IV stage.
  • dougairnewsrel_071107103358.pdf

    ABSTRACT: Discusses intensive ground qualification testing program for S-IV stage.
  • spc_stnv_000117.pdf

    A summary found following the errata page reads: "This paper presents a second look at the subject of the man-machine relationship in automatic test operations. 'Man, Machine, and Automatic Test Operations' was presented by the writer at Battelle Memorial Institute in November of 1963...It is the purpose of this second look at the man-machine interface to pinpoint those concepts which have proven their worth with time and those concepts which have proven to be weak, and as a result modified with time." This paper was prepared by George F. Meister, Jr.
  • presrelsacrcaloct4_041207114716.pdf

    Press release covering the static firing of the S-IV rocket for a full seven minutes.
  • thethorhis.pdf

    This history is intended as a quick orientation source and as a ready-reference for review of the Thor and its systems. The report briefly states the development of Thor, summarizes and chronicles Thor missile and booster launchings, provides illustrations and descriptions of the vehicle systems, relates their genealogy, explains some of the performance capabilities of the Thor and Thor-based vehicles used, and focuses attention to the exploration of space by Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc.
  • Sixengiclusof_102110102741.pdf

    A press-release detailing the successfuly firing and the specfic launching information of the Saturn I-V rocket-launch.
  • 001.pdf

    This is a series of interviews with various anonymous astronauts from various programs including Skylab, focused on the future of manned spaceflight.
  • spc_mraz_0000059.pdf

    Given by Auburn University president Ralph Brown Draughon, the citation notes Mrazek's accomplishments as "Marshall Space Flight Center's chief engineer."
  • Huntisasdec68_040709153450.pdf

    The following article is a digest from the Book, "From Peenemunde to Outer Space", commemorating the fiftieth birthday of Wernher von Braun, March 23, 1962 condensed by H. M. Hammac).