UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (1976 total)

  • mgmtsyst_071207114110.pdf

    The title has been cut off of document. This was placed inside the document Configuration Management. An organizational chart of plans and critical events related to those plans.
  • mannlaunvehideve_032707091130.pdf

    Includes handwritten notes. Includes references to slides. Essay remarking on how space vehicles will interact on the moon's surface.
  • mannlunalandviarend_051107100817.pdf

    Paper to be presented at the IAS National Meeting on Manned Space Flight. Focuses on operations leading to injection of the space craft into the lunar transfer trajectory.
  • Mannplanflybmiss_120408150815.pdf

    This report summarizes a study (by North American Aviation, Space Division) of Manned Interplanetary Flyby Missions to Venus and Mars during the period from 1975 to 1982. [The study was a broad but penetrating technical investigation of using a manned flight system for planetary exploration.] The results, along with previously known aspects of manned Mars and Venus flyby missions, vehicles, and systems, were integrated into total mission-system capable of performing a realistic and meaningful planetary exploration program. Manned Planetary Missions are feasible. Attractive multiplanet flyby missions can be performed by Saturn/Apollo systems. However, injected payload and mission requirements developed within the guidelines and assumptions of this study cannot be met with modified S-II or S-IV stages when used with the standard Saturn V Earth-launch vehicle. When using an Earth orbit assembly mode and an uprated Saturn Earth launch vehicle for application to manned planetary flyby missions, the launch vehicle should have a payload capability (2-stage to low Earth orbit) of 400,000 pounds or more for use with M(S)-IVB planetary injection stages. Manned planetary flyby missions provide a means of combining the favorable aspects of both manned and unmanned missions into a unique and highly effective planetary exploration mission-system capable of providing major significant inputs to the scientific and engineering questions concerning the interplanetary medium, our Sun, and our neighboring planets Venus and Mars.
  • Mannspachlunaexpl_101507093657.pdf

    Paper includes references to figures and NASA's fundamental goals and principles.
  • mannspacfligprogrevimsfcinstrepo_082007091604.pdf

    Report covers R & D, Administrative operations, staffing, facilities, and funding.
  • msfcmannedspaceflight_050807110513.pdf

    This is material prepared in support of Dr. von Braun's presentation for the January 29, 1963, Management Council Meeting - Agenda Item 1, " MSFC Status Report". Presentation material consists of slides , a film report and narrative back-up information to support the presentation.
  • omsfvol3book1_080307091141.pdf

    OMSF Program Status Review August 1965.; Edition "A"
  • omsfprogstatrevimannspacfligschevoluIIIlaunvehibooksatuIBeditA_073107115324.pdf

    OMSF Program Status Review August 1965.; Edition "A"
  • MannspacfligIII.pdf

    OMSF program status review October 1965.; Edition "A".