UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (1976 total)

  • LMSystDesc_052410121822.pdf

    Report that describes the major systems of the Lunar Module.
  • LunAppS-IV_043008101525.pdf

    Support of lunar exploration missions is a major consideration in future space program planning. The spent Saturn v/S-IVB/IU can support both lunar - orbit and lunar -landing operations. This paper investigates lunar applications of the spent stage, and incorporates data generated during Company-funded studies. Investigated here is the feasibility of using a launch vehicle employing standard S-IC and S-I1 boost stages to deliver a modified S-IVB/IU and large discretionary payloads to a lunar orbit (LASSO) and/or the lunar surface (LASS). Operations in Earth orbit and direct-ascent trajectories are examined, and consideration is given to the use of the spent stage as a shelter in a manner similar to the presently planned Earth orbital workshop operations. Both the LASSO and LASS concepts are recommended for consideration in future lunar exploration plans. These concepts are capable of placing a gross wet weight of 101,400 lb in lunar orbit or landing 63,580 lb on the lunar surface respectively. The effective payload capability can be enhanced by proper integration of translunar mission subsystems with the subsystems required for lunar orbit or surface operations. The vehicles can be available within 3 years, with current-technology hardware sufficient for performing the missions described.; Douglas Paper No. 4256.
  • scan0016rev_080107122152.jpg

    8 x 10 inch black and white photograph of a gyro stabilizing support.
  • Maindatahowandwhat_080807150019.pdf

    This presentation is concerned with how maintenance data can be collected, what can be done with it and possible a few arguments why it should be of any concern.
  • spc_mcca_000294-305.pdf

    This document discusses the types of publications used in information and literature searches, these being bibliographies, indexes, and abstract journals, and provides examples of these publications. It also gives examples of report citations and instructions on understanding them.
  • manmachandautotestoper_061807141628.pdf

    Essay detailing the relationship between men and machines."
  • mgmtmatrix_071207121022.pdf

    This was found folded inside Configuration Management. Taken from Defense Industry Bulletin, June 1968. Includes an organizational chart and an accompanying bibliography.
  • manaspacprogfielcent_061407150457.pdf

    Transcription of a presentation from Wernher von Braun discussing the roles of the space vehicles in the Apollo project.
  • Manaplanforsatu_120108134228.pdf

    The purpose of this management plan is to set forth the channels 1 and methods used by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the development of the SATURN Vehicle System, This plan is based i on past experience and proven management principles of the Development Operations Division, The attached figures illustrate the plan.
  • manpofacmakfut_021208085025.pdf

    This paper presents in synoptic form, an analysis of the management problems being faced in making fuhlre manned spaceflight decisions. It is an attempt to view the manned space program in total perspective - its relationship to other scientific research, other national programs, the role of Congress, the President's role, industry's role, and then show their relative influence and impact on decisior, making for the Post-Apollo period.