Footage of Klaus, Kerry, Ingeborg, and Betty Dannenberg relaxing around the Christmas tree. The video focuses mostly on Kerry and the Dannenbergs' new dog, a black terrier named McDuff. Winter 1967.
Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg Dannenberg and the in-laws celebrate Christmas by opening presents in the family room at the Dannenbergs' house in Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. Konrad Dannenberg's note on the film box reads, "ends w/ IMK Tired in chair." Winter 1963.
Klaus plays with other children and trims a rose bush with Ingeborg. Arrival of "Lilo and family", play with a small child in the front yard. Klaus takes a trip the playground and Monte Sano to hike and shoot his BB gun.
Klaus Dannenberg returns from sea and meets Konrad and Ingeborg in Atlanta, Georgia. While there, they stay at a Howard Johnson Inn and tour around Atlanta. 1963.