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"Abfahrt von Huntsville - Washington Landung in New York / N.Y. AIRPORT."
The film's first part shows Konrad Dannenberg boarding a flight at the Huntsville airport. The film picks back up above Washington D.C. where Konrad captures pictures of the Pentagon from above and shots of the Washington D.C. airport once landed. -
Klaus and Konrad Dannenberg visit Germany.
Opening scene is from the flight to Germany from America. After landing in Frankfurt, Germany, Klaus and Konrad Dannenberg visit some of the scenes around Frankfurt, including a train station and a nearby castle. -
Klaus and Konrad Dannenberg tour rural Germany and Frankfurt am Main.
Konrad and Klaus Dannenberg continue to tour Germany. They are seen visiting a castle in the countryside and parts of Frankfurt am Main. The second half of the film is blank, presumably damaged. -
"Schützenausmarsch Hannover 1960 I."
Footage from the Schützenausmarsch, or Parade of the Marksmen, in Hannover, Germany, part of the city's annual Schützenfest. Many different groups of uniformed marksmen are seen marching through the street, some with musical instruments. 1960. -
"Schützen Ausmarsch Hannover 1960. II."
Footage from the Schützenausmarsch, or Parade of the Marksmen, in Hannover, Germany, part of the city's annual Schützenfest. Many different groups of uniformed marksmen are seen marching through the street, some with musical instruments. 1960. -
"Böblinger Bad / Fam. Ullrich + Hunde / Halli beim Grasschneiden."
Klaus and Konrad visit a German waterpark in the first half of this film. During the second half, they are shown visitng the house of someone who was with them at the waterpark. He is shown mowing the lawn and playing with his dogs. -
"Weserfähre bei - Besuch bei Borchers sen. in Heyen - Fahrt nach Bodenwerder - 'Willkommen' sign."
Most of this film shows Klaus and Konrad taking ferries across a river with the car they rented in Germany. Eventually, they reach the town of Bodenwerder, Germany. Bodenwerder is bordered by the Weser River. Heyen is located north of Bodenwerder, just across the Weser. -
"Zur Garten bei [illegible] ins Auto Cuxhaven Brockeswalde w Holli."
Konrad and Klaus meet up with old friends of Konrad in Bodenwerder, Germany. They then tour a graveyard where the Dannenbergs had been historically buried as well as touring the town of Bodenwerder. -
"April 1956, Our roses and silly kids- the Healds + Bramlet in our pool."
Ingeborg and Klaus showing blooming flowers in back garden. Klaus, Konrad and others enjoying the backyard pool, 5901 Jumilla Ave, spring 1956. -
"Summer 1956, 5901 Jumilla Ave - yard and pool."
Summer 1956 backyard activities at 5901 Jumilla Ave in Woodland Hills in Los Angeles, California. Showcase of the backyard garden as well as Klaus and Konrad swimming the the backyard pool.