UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (1965 total)

  • DigeofFY-64fundadvastudaugu1966_110707112556.pdf

    This paper outlines the major advantages of digital transducers and describes the principles and features (1) direct digital transducers, (2) indirect digital transducers, (3) quasi-digital transducers, and (4) A to D transducers. The mutual effect of transducers and systems will be discussed briefly, and some trends of transducer research and development will be presented.
  • digoffy65funadvstujul1966_090707104031.pdf

    This publication is one of a planned series to summarize the advanced study program for each fiscal year beginning with FY-61.A separate report will cover the study program for each fiscal year. The purpose of these documents is to provide reference information which should be helpful in planning future study programs. The FY-65 funded studies are covered in this document. These investigations are covered under four major headings: Launch Vehicle Studies, Earth Orbital and Lunar Studies, Planetary/Nuclear Studies, and AAP Studies. The information presented on each studyincludes a brief description of the objectives and pertinent contract data.
  • digoffy66funadvstunov1966_121407110639.pdf

    This publication is one of a planned series to summarize the advanced study program for each fiscal year beginning with FY-61.A separate report will cover the study program for each fiscal year. The purpose of these documents is to provide reference information which should be helpful in planning future study programs. The FY-65 funded studies are covered in this document. These investigations are covered under four major headings: Launch Vehicle Studies, Earth Orbital and Lunar Studies, Planetary/Nuclear Studies, and AAP Studies. The information presented on each studyincludes a brief description of the objectives and pertinent contract data.
  • Digefy62fund_101507152813.pdf

    This publication is one of a planned series to summarize the MSFC advanced study program for each fiscal year beginning with FY-61. A separate report will cover the study program for each fiscal year. The purpose of these documents is to provide historical reference information which should be helpful in planning future study programs. The FY-62 funded studies are covered in this document. These investigations are covered under two major categories: Launch Vehicle Studies; and Lunar, Orbital, and Planetary Studies. The information presented on each study includes a brief description of the objectives and results and pertinent contract data. In order to keep this report small and easy to use, no attempt was made to include conclusions based on the study results ; however,the final reports documenting the investigations are referenced. If these reports are needed for permanent retention and are not available from the MSFC Library (MS-IPL), submit requests for the documents to the Scientific and Technical Information Facility, Attention: NASA Representative, P.0. Box 33, College Park, Maryland 20740.
  • Digefy62fund_101507152239.pdf

    This publication is, one of a planned series to summarize the advanced study program for each fiscal year beginning with FY-61. A separate report will cover the study program for each fiscal year. The purpose of these documents is to provide historical reference information which should be helpful in planning future study programs. The FY-63 funded studies are covered in this document. These investigations are covered under three categories: Launch Vehicle and Supporting Studies; Orbital and Lunar Studies; and Planetary Studies. The information presented on each study includes a brief description of the objective and results and pertinent contract data. In order to keep this report small and easy to use, no attempt was made to include conclusions based on the study results; however, the final reports documenting the investigations are referenced. If these reports are needed for permanent retention and are not available from the Technical Supervisor or the MSFC Library (MS-IPL), submit requests for the documents to the Scientific and Technical Information Facility, Attention: NASA Representative, P. O. Box 33, College Park, Maryland 20740.
  • spc_stnv_000138.pdf

    Contract AF 18(600)-1775AD 815-832. Original is 6 sheets of microforms. Pages i, ii, iv, vi-xii, 110 and 344 missing on microforms. The title page notes that the document "Supersedes AE62-0400 and Supplements -A, -B, & -C."
  • spc_spac_000306_000309.pdf

    This leaflet contains photographs, descriptions, and specifications of the Trackless/Train.
  • spc_spac_000285_000286.pdf

    This advertisement provides images, features, models, and specifications for the "Modern, Coin Controlled Turnstile."
  • spc_spac_000287_000288.pdf

    This advertisement provides images, features, specifications, and installation diagrams for the "All Metal, One Way, Non-Registering Turnstile."
  • spc_spac_000289_000292.pdf

    This advertisement provides images, features, and specifications for the turnstile.
  • spc_spac_000293_000294.pdf

    This advertisement provides images, features, and specifications for the "Type B Impenetrable" gate. The back of the flier has two illustrations, one of children being prevented from sneaking into the park, and one focusing on the ease of the gate's use.
  • chemspaceboosters_041807125251.pdf

    The document is a draft of the presentation "Chemistry in Space" by Harold Perkins, who explains the role of chemists in developing space launch vehicles. The document Includes references to charts and other presentation supports. The document is marked in the upper left hand corner "Huntsville High School Science Organization (the JETS), October 1962."
  • spc_mcca_000394-397.pdf

    This memorandum describes the changes in the process of requesting materials for the library to purchase. These changes include a new requirement for a value judgement of the requested material when filling out a request slip. Attached is a chart that displays the selection and maintenance process for new materials.
  • spc_nick_000120_000121.pdf

    Perry responds to Bell's letter of June 10th regarding the possible accuser also being the reviewer in the Nickerson trial proceedings.
  • Pescprogsept_100710145136.pdf

    Article covering the development of cryogenic pumps.
  • Friday__May_4__2018_at_12_10_52_PM_default_fb72b05a.mp4

    Joe Phillipauldy is originally from Central, New Jersey. He did his undergraduate training at the University of Richmond in Virginia, and then he received his Master's degree at Villanove University. He then when on to get his graduate degree, and completed the program in 1984. His degree was in Experimental Psychology. In 1986, he accepted a job position with the Creatis Systems Tech Staff at Boeing Military Airplanes in Kansas. His first Human Engineering job was with Tech Staff. A project he spent a lot of time on was the Airforce I VC25 747 Presidential Replacement Program. With this, he did a workload analysis of the navigator crew station. After this work, Joe got involved with the Human Factors and Industrial Applications group. There, he ran task terms around the factory floor doing analyses and reporting on ergonomics issues on assembling vehicles. Later, he was able to work on the Space Station Vehicle Integration Contract in Huntsville, AL.
  • Memoapoll8_022410131518.pdf

    Memorandum discussing the first manned Saturn V flight, its purpose and when/where the launch will take place.
  • Notetodrmuelfromsamu_120208111242.pdf

    a note to Dr. Mueller from Samuel C. Phillips regarding the designations of space vehicles.
  • MemosIIstag_121907141432.pdf
  • Inspweld_022008153722.pdf

    Archive copy is a poor photocopy. Cannot read.
  • spc_nick_000325_000325.pdf

    Pickering writes a general letter about Colonel John c. Nickerson, Jr.'s character, stating that Nickerson was a man of "sterling character" and an "intelligent and highly valuable officer."
  • satugulfcoastpres_061307115347.pdf

    Presentation about the Saturn program and its purpose in the gulf coast.
  • satuandtheexploofspac_042007155818.pdf

    Presentation Raymond Pisani to the East-West Bank Chamber of Commerce regarding the Saturn project's roll in space exploration and what contrabutions the East-West Bank can make in that area.
  • satuinstrsystems_041707143924.pdf

    Paper to be presented at the Third International Flight Test Instrumentation Symposium College of Aeronautics. A brief description of the Saturn vehicles is given, delineating the makeup of and differences between the Saturn I, Saturn IB, and Saturn V.
  • techinsprl10liqhydrrock_041207102029.pdf

    A technician inspects an RLlO liquid hydrogen rocket engine OD the assembly floor. of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft's Florida Research and Development Center. The 115,000-pound-thrust RLlO was designed and developed for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Saturn S-IV azld Centaur space vehicles.
  • Satusivengi_110110145014.pdf

    Folder of information.
  • Prat_Whitairc_102810150126.pdf

    Photograph of a liquid hydrogen rocket engine.
  • launinfosatus-iv_062007154516.pdf

    The RL10, which powers the National Aeronautics and Space Administration' s Saturn S-IV, is the newest propulsion system to be put to work in advancing our nation's space effortr On November 27, 1963, a pair of RLlO's successfully powered a five-ton Centaur space vehicle in earth orbit in the first flight demonstration of the outer space powerplant which uses high-nenergy liquid hydrogen as fuel. A six-engine cluster of RLlO' s, generating a total of 90, 000 pounds of thrust, powers the Saturn S-IV stage. The 15, 000 pound-thrust engine was designed and developed for NASA's Mar shall Space Flight Center at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft's Florida Research and Development Center, 20 miles northwest of West Palm Beach.
  • spc_stnv_000114.pdf

    This artist's rendering of the RL10-powered Saturn S-IV stage is depicted as heading toward deep space after separation from the booster. The drawing is accompanied with a brief description of the Saturn S-IV.
  • Trandougsatusicbstag_082007093936.pdf

    Presented to the American Society of Civil Engineers by R. W. Prentice, manager, Saturn Logistics Support, Douglas Aircraft Company Inc., Missile & Space Systems Division, Space Systems Center, Huntington Beach, California. This paper describes the significant events and equipment associated with transporting the Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc., built Saturn S-IVB stage from stage fabrication at Huntington Beach, California, to the Sacramento Test Center and to the Kennedy Space Center. Descriptions and illustrations of the transportation vehicles and major ground support and instrumentation equipment are presented for a more comprehensive understanding of the transportation problem.
  • Nextdecainspac_092910155610.pdf

    Summary of President's Advisory Committee report to the President's Space Task Group.
  • spc_nick_000198_000199.pdf

    Written testimony of William C. Pritchard, Colonel with the Army Physical Evaluation Board at Walter Reed Hospital, as presented if he were "present in court". Page two missing. Handwritten note at the bottom says, "2d page only had signatures."
  • spc_nick_000440_000442.pdf

    Pritchard writes to Ayers in response to his January 4, 1958 letter regarding the reinstatement of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. He details what he believes to be "the exact facts in the Nickerson case." He states that Nickerson was in violation of Army orders and therefore is not qualified to serve in a facility like Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama.
  • Propandvehi1968.pdf.pdf

    Monthly progress report of the month of December, 1968.
  • Friday__September_28__2018_at_8_59_16_AM_default_b6b1e023.mp4

    Edwin Pruitt is from a small town in Alabama. He went to Auburn University, and when he was a sophomore there, he applied to a co-op position. In this co-op, he was assigned to a flight-dynamics group. Edwin was not satisfied with this position, so he asked to be switched to another one. In this new co-op, he was able to drive around on the simulated moon surface. Some things he was also involved in was diving into the Neutral Buoyancy Simulator, flying on the KC-135, and he had the freedom to represent his group with other part of the center where he worked. After Edwin graduated from college, he got a job at GE Aerospace in Valley Forge. They had a contract with the Airforce to train the Airforce astronauts. He eventually got laid off from this position, and he next got a job at Teledyne Brown Engineering. After working there for a couple of years, he found a job at Matrix in Huntsville. After working here, he found a job at Essex working on proposals.
  • s-cisimu_062007154114.pdf

    Huntsville, Ala. -- NASA Marshall Space Flight Center engineers and scientists will soon begin using a giant Saturn V booster simulator in making various tests of equipment and facilities here and at Michoud Operations, Mississippi Test Operations and Cape Kennedy.
  • sdsp_skyl_000023.jpg
  • MasLisProj_050208091309.pdf

    Note attached to document to Mr. Christensen from William D. Putnam. List of projects ordered by criteria.
  • Engiorgachar_012309130339.pdf

    Organizational chart diagram of the North American Rockwell Corporation Engineering division: 10-14-1968
  • satuS-IVBquartechprogrepo_110607103908.pdf

    Douglas Aircraft Company Report DAC-56445, Saturn S-IVB Quarterly Technical Progress Report, covers design and development progress on the Saturn IB and Saturn V configurations of the S-IVB stage during August and September 1966. This report is prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract NAS7-101.
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