UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (1976 total)

  • spc_dann_000235.mp4

    First part of video shows Kerry and Klaus playing with Kerry's new drum set that he got for Christmas. The latter half of the film shows Kerry being sat down for dinner by Betty. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. Winter 1968.
  • spc_dann_000236.mp4

    First part of film shows Kerry eating and drinking at a table with Ingeborg Dannenberg. Second part shows Kerry opening and setting up a toy train track with Klaus Dannenberg. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama Winter 1968
  • spc_dann_000237.mp4

    Footage shows Kerry Dannenberg playing and walking around the living room while Klaus, Betty, and Ingeborg open presents. Last scene shows Klaus Dannenberg reading a book to Kerry. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. Winter 1968.
  • spc_dann_000238.mp4

    Kerry, Betty, and Klaus Dannenberg hunt for Easter eggs at their apartment on 1000 Airport Road SW, Huntsville, Alabama. Kerry is shown running around the common lawn looking for eggs. Spring, 1969.
  • spc_dann_000239.mp4

    Ingeborg and Konrad Dannenberg visit their friends the DeBeeks in Webb City, Missouri. The first part of the film shows them sightseeing on main street, and the second half contains their visit with the DeBeeks. 1969.
  • spc_dann_000240.mp4

    Konrad Dannenberg and Mr. Debeek grill steaks at the DeBeeks' house in Webb City, Missouri. Mr. DeBeek can be seen lighting the grill and putting the steak on. Also included are a few shots of the DeBeeks' pet dachshund. 1969.
  • spc_dann_000241.mp4

    Konrad Dannenberg goes to see one of the later Apollo flights liftoff from Cape Canaveral, Florida. This film contains a lot of shots of the spectator gallery as well as the lauch and disappearance of the Saturn V launching vehicle. 1969.
  • spc_dann_000242.mp4

    Konrad, Klaus, Betty, Kerry, and Ingeborg Dannenberg celebrate Christmas with their friends Ulla, Erna, Alma, and George. Shown are Betty and Kerry playing tiddlywinks on the carpet and the friends of the Dannenbergs arriving. Konrad Dannenberg's note on the film box reads, "Kerry, Klaus & Betty - Tiddliwinks / Xmas Tree + presents / Ulla + Kids coming / Erna + Alma arriving w/ Kids Georgie & Johnnie prior to Bescherung 24 Dec 69." Winter 1969.
  • spc_dann_000243.mp4

    Clip shows the young children present at the Christmas celebration (Kerry Dannenberg, Johnnie, and George) opening presents while the rest of both of their families help and watch. Konrad Dannenberg's note on the film box reads, " w/ Klaus, Betty, Kerry / G, Ulla, Erna, Alma / Georgie + Johnny / IMK + Johnny + Kerry / Beginn der Bescherung / Kerry's Mishap w/ Cookie Box / Lucky helps out." Winter 1969.
  • spc_dann_000244.mp4

    Christmas, 1969. Clip shows the children (Kerry Dannenberg, Johnny, and George) opening presents with the parents (Klaus and Betty Dannenberg, and others). Konrad Dannenberg's note on the film box reads, "The entire family is together / 'Mitten in der Bescherung' / the kids are right at it - all the way / FERRY - Dual Control / other presents 24 Dec 69." Winter 1969.