UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (1976 total)

  • spc_dann_000225.mp4

    Clips in the beginning show Klaus and Betty Dannenberg cleaning up after opening all the Christmas presents. The end of the film shows a number of title cards, most likely used to annotate the series of Christmas videos. Konrad Dannenberg's note on the film box reads, "Betty / Klaus / presents / Titles / xmas lights (yellow)." Winter 1967.
  • spc_dann_000226.mp4

    Collection of clips from Christmas at the Dannenbergs' house, winter 1967. Shown are Klaus and Betty opening presents as well as the Dannenbergs' two dogs, Lucky and McDuff.
  • spc_dann_000227.mp4

    Konrad, Klaus, and Betty Dannenberg unwrap presents in the Dannenbergs' living room. At the very end, McDuff is shown playing with some of the leftover wrapping material. Winter 1967.
  • spc_dann_000228.mp4

    Video shows the aftermath of a snowstorm on Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. The video surveys the surrounding neighborhood as well as captures the Dannenbergs' dog, Lucky, playing in the snow. Winter 1967/68.
  • spc_dann_000229.mp4

    Video first shows Betty Dannenberg feeding baby Kerry. Then the film transitions to Klaus and Betty opening presents around the Christmas tree. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. Konrad Dannenberg's note on the film box reads, "First Pictures Xmas tree from Kitchen / look at presents - close up / Betty & Klaus unwrap presents - IMK." Winter 1967/68.
  • spc_dann_000230.mp4

    Video shows Kerry Dannenberg crawling around the Dannenbergs' backyard, with appearances by Lucky, Klaus, and Betty Dannenberg. Konrad Dannenberg's note on the front of the film box reads, "First attempts to walk / but he keeps on crawling." On the reverse, his note reads: "25 Aug 1968 - Kerry in Backyard / 5130 Panorama / also w/Lucky crawling on lawn / crawling up/down steps." Summer 1968.
  • spc_dann_000231.mp4

    Graduation ceremony at Auburn University, Alabama. Shown are the spectators in the stands as well as the graduates walking up to receive their degrees. Second half of film is blank. Konrad Dannenberg notes on the outside of the film box, "1/2 of film [illegible] did NOT transport." 1968.
  • spc_dann_000232.mp4

    Film shows Kerry crawling and walking in the Dannenbergs' yard alongside Ingeborg and Lucky. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. Konrad Dannenberg's note on the film box reads, "2 Sept 1968 - (Klaus and Betty are in Acapulco, (Mex) / Kerry, IMK & Lucky at home - Ks first steps / first in Backyard then - frontyard / K winds up crying!" Fall 1968.
  • spc_dann_000233.mp4

    Film shows Konrad and Kerry Dannenberg visiting a local swimming pool. While unable to swim, Kerry is held by Konrad as he plays in the water. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. "Film Broken - Kerry & Ko at Monte Sano, Swim Club! Outside - in small pool, in big pool - INTERRUPTION / a few feet at home, 3 Sept 68 - Labor Day, glue together!" 1968.
  • spc_dann_000234.mp4

    View from the spectator's gallery at Cape Canaveral as Apollo 7 launches. The film tracks the rocket from when the engines are ignited to when it disappears from view. Fall 1968.