UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (1981 total)

  • uah_lone_007_097.pdf

    The report outlines highlights of the Armed Forces Day, including attendance, media, and the parade lineup. The theme of the day was "Power for Peace." The report includes news clippings, a Redstone Arsenal welcome brochure, and photographs of the festivities in downtown Huntsville and at Redstone Arsenal.
  • spc_schu_080_082.pdf

    This document includes details about Schulze's transfer to the United States after World War II, including his health and the terms of his employment as an engineer.
  • spc_mcca_000278-284.pdf

    Includes handwritten notes from Librarian Christel McCanless and others.
  • spc_nick_000447_000449_000506_000508.pdf

    These handwritten copies contain the testimony of Mr. Weisman.
  • spc_nick_000621_000622.pdf

    Pictured in this photo is Colonel Nickerson (left), Robert K. Bell (middle, standing), and Ray H. Jenkins (right).
  • spc_lrvc_000003_webA.pdf

    Developed by Marshall Space Flight Center and built by Boeing, the LRV was an electric vehicle used to explore the Moon's surface during the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions.
  • spc_dann_000210.mp4

    Konrad, Klaus, Ingeborg, and Betty Dannenberg pick up the Ullrichs from the airport and drive them to a motel. They they proceed to have a get-together and talk with them. Includes footage of baby Kerry. Konrad Dannenberg's note on the film box reads, "We meet the Ullrichs at the Kennedy Int'l Airport in New York on 10 Sept 67 / At Alma's Farmhouse in Quakertown on 12 Sept 67 / Little George on Farmhouse lawn - 1x w/ Hanns / very good!" Fall 1967.
  • spc_nick_000476_000479.pdf

    These trial notes include information given by a witness named James during his final testimony. James states that he is the one who suggested the name of journalist Drew Pearson to Colonel Nickerson.
  • spc_stuh_000012_transcript.pdf

    Irmgard Stuhlinger was the wife of Ernst Stuhlinger, a scientist acquired in Operation Paperclip. In these school essays, she discusses her daily life in Stuttgart, Germany, as a child. When writing these essays she was 8 years old. Some of the topics include a letter to family members, Christmas, descriptions of the weather, and talking about field trips.
  • spc_stuh_000013_transcript.pdf

    Irmgard Stuhlinger was the wife of Ernst Stuhlinger, a scientist acquired in Operation Paperclip. In these school essays, she discusses her daily life in Stuttgart, Germany, as a child. When writing these essays she was 8-9 years old. Some of the topics include letters to family members, a fictional story, Christmas, descriptions of the weather, and talking about field trips.
  • spc_stuh_000014_transcript.pdf

    Irmgard Stuhlinger was the wife of Ernst Stuhlinger, a scientist acquired in Operation Paperclip. In these school essays, she discusses her daily life in Stuttgart, Germany, as a child. When writing these essays she was 9-10 years old. Topics of the essays include family life, a fictional moral story, descriptions of the weather, as well as significant historic events such as the Saarabstimmung (1935 Saar status referendum). Furthermore, she mentions Adolf Hitler (German chancellor) and the Sturmabteilung (Paramilitary organization run by Nazi Germany) in these essays. The transcript includes a description of each illustration.
  • spc_stuh_000016_transcript.pdf

    Irmgard Stuhlinger was the wife of Ernst Stuhlinger, a scientist acquired in Operation Paperclip. In this journal she details her daily life starting from January 1st, 1948 to December 31st, 1948. She touches on the topics of post-secondary education, family events, and holidays in the post-war period. At the end of the journal, she includes an entry about the year to come.
  • spc_stuh_000015_transcript.pdf

    Irmgard Stuhlinger was the wife of Ernst Stuhlinger, a scientist acquired in Operation Paperclip. In this journal she details her daily life starting from her 19th birthday under the rule of the Third Reich, toward the end of the second World War. She touches on topics such as war, post-secondary education, death of family members, the acquisition of housing, and holidays in the latter part of the war.
  • spc_reis_000001_transcript.pdf

    Gerhard Reisig Dipl.-Ing., later Dr. Gerhard Reisig, was a German-American rocket scientist that worked on the team of von Braun at Fort Bliss. This journal covers his journey to the United States under Operation Paperclip, and includes descriptions of his experience to and through his arrival on December 6th, 1946. In this journal, he discusses numerous parts of his travel and experience in the United States including the rail route taken by the group he was in, reviews of two films of the time, comments on fashion and American society, as well as periodic mentions of food culture especially early in the journal. The transcript includes links to copies of the articles he transcribed by hand if they could be found.
  • tranphot_030209160745.pdf

    Description of the Transtel without accompanying photograph.
  • spc_ward_000007_01.mp3

    Side one of tape is a recording of a speech given by Tom Wolfe to a Rotary Club on the making and the early years on the United States space program. Recording followed by a note from Ward.
  • spc_ward_000002_01.mp3

    Interview with Tom Shaver on Wernher von Braun, describing his character, personality, and funny stories from his time as von Braun's assistant. Entirety of side one, side 2 through 45 minute mark.
  • spc_dann_000191.mp4

    A young girl walks around a shaded yard with a number of adults.
  • Theoliqupropperf1.pdf

    Archive copy is a photocopy.; The purpose of these writings is to compile in one volume the basic elements of thermodynamics and gas dynamics which are useful in the evaluation of thrust chamber performance. It is presumed that the reader will have had an elementary course in thermodynamics and gas dynamics. The discussion of topics useful in evaluating thrust chamber performance is, of necessity, limited to these physical effects amenable to other areas that are as yet in the research stage of development. The author would like to take this opportunity to express his gratitude to Mr. G. S. Gill for many stimulating discussions on this subject. Thanks are due to Mr. D. J. Kuyper for permission to utilize his discussion on elastic-plastic strain and its application to nozzle throat area change. Finally, the author wishes to express his gratitude to his wife, Alice, who typed the bulk of the manuscript.
  • Binder1_081110135224.pdf

    The document is a Space Task Group report to the president. Pages 8, 18, 26, 27 of the document are missing.
  • spc_lrvc_000004_web.pdf

    This photo shows the LRV on the moon at the Hadley-Appenine mountain range landing site during the Apollo 15 mission. Developed by Marshall Space Flight Center and built by Boeing, the LRV was an electric vehicle used to explore the Moon's surface during the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions.
  • spc_lrvc_000002_webA.pdf

    Developed by Marshall Space Flight Center and built by Boeing, the LRV was an electric vehicle used to explore the Moon's surface during the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions.
  • thethorhis.pdf

    This history is intended as a quick orientation source and as a ready-reference for review of the Thor and its systems. The report briefly states the development of Thor, summarizes and chronicles Thor missile and booster launchings, provides illustrations and descriptions of the vehicle systems, relates their genealogy, explains some of the performance capabilities of the Thor and Thor-based vehicles used, and focuses attention to the exploration of space by Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc.
  • spc_bens_000001.pdf

    John Bensko, Jr. is seated in the center of the front row.
  • spc_stnv_000085.pdf

    This reproduced copy contains 43 pages of "general instructions for the uniform preparation of Project, System, and Contract End Items Specifications for Apollo/Saturn new equipment and major refurbishment."
  • spc_stnv_000092.pdf

    According to the preface, "This handbook provides KSC management personnel with general information relative to the Apollo-Saturn program. Emphasis is placed on Saturn launch facilities and related support equipment. Saturn vehicle parameters are included for general information.
  • Binder3_051208093544.pdf

    The report includes the Systems Test Division; Components and Subsystems Division; Technical Support Division; and the Advanced Facilities Planning Office.
  • spc_stnv_000090.pdf

    This message for the Apollo Program Director contains a report of the Apollo launch vehicles, problem that occurred, and actions required. The photocopy is difficult to read.
  • spc_stnv_000089.pdf

    This message for the Apollo Program Director contains a report of the Apollo launch vehicles, problem that occurred, and actions required. The photocopy is difficult to read.
  • spc_nick_000562_000562.pdf

    Alverson, publisher at The Paris Daily Enterprise, telegrams Bell about President Eisenhower.
  • spc_nick_000393_000393.pdf

    May wires Bell to congratulate him on the success of the Nickerson case and states that he is proud to be Bell's friend.
  • spc_nick_000134_000134.pdf

    Jones sent this telegram in reponse to Bell's March 11th letter requesting information for the Nickerson case. He informs Bell that the information cannot be sent to him but may be purchased in a 15 volume book set.
  • spc_nick_000091_000091.pdf

    Jenkins requests the trial of Colonel Nickerson to be scheduled no earlier than the second week of August due to an important case he has the first week of August.
  • spc_mraz_0000063.pdf

    The telegram invites the Mrazeks to attend the dinner honoring the Apollo 11 astronauts at Century Plaza in Los Angeles, California.
  • techrpts_051107091113.pdf

    Bibliography of technical reports from 1957-1963
  • spc_stnv_000080.pdf

    According to the summary found on page 1, this document "presents a brief and concise description of the AS-204/LM-1 Apollo Saturn Space Vehicle." The information within the document allows readers to follow the timeline of the space vehicle's lift-off and journey to space.
  • Binder1_071910091943.pdf

    The document's mission summary states "This documet is perpared jointly by the Marshall Sapce Fligh Center Laboratories S&E-ASTR-S, S&E-AERO-P, and S&E-ASTN-ESD. The document presents a brief and concise description of the AS-506 Apollo Saturn Space Vehicle and the AS-506 mission. Where necessary, for clarification, additional related information has been included. It is not intended that this document completely define the Space Vehicle, its sytems or subsystems in detail. The information presented herein by text and sketches, describe launch preparation, ground support activities, and the space vehicle. This information permits the reader to follow the sequence of events beginning a few hours before liftoff to mission completion."
  • Techfaciandcapa_072810115656.pdf

    This brochure is being distributed to colleges and universities to acquaint and interest their students, at all acadmic levels, with the wide variety of professional and technical skills that are essential to accomplish the complex mission of the Army Missile Command, located at Redstone Arsenal, enar Huntsville, Alabama.
  • spc_mraz_0000061.pdf

    The item shows the table arrangement for the dinner and is signed by Alabama governor Albert Brewer. William and Berta Mrazek were assigned to table 11.
  • spc_stnv_000149.pdf
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