UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (1981 total)

  • spc_mraz_065_071.pdf

    The program includes the presentation of Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa, to William A. Mrazek.
  • spc_spac_000166_000171.pdf

    The leaflet advertises Kiddie Rides to chain stores. These rides include the Tusko Elephant, Tusko Cow Pony, Tusko Kamel, Tusko Charger, and Tusko Geep.
  • spc_nick_000012_000013.pdf

    In response to Bell's February 13 letter from Edward Almond, Ayers informs Bell that he is attempting to find someone who would write a letter to newspaper publications in agreement with their opinion that Medaris is taking too much credit for his work. Bell responds that he is skeptical Ayers would find anyone as Medaris could make their life a "rather miserable existence".
  • spc_nick_000395_000395.pdf

    Ayers writes to Bell about an article written in The Anniston Star about him and the Nickerson trial and congratulates Bell for getting Nickerson "out as light as he did."
  • spc_nick_000435_000435.pdf

    Ayers writes regarding a wire from General Edward Almond to the National Department of the American Legion "calling on Eisenhower to exonerate our good friend Colonel John Nickerson."
  • Friday__September_8__2017_at_12_16_04_PM_default_2b1019c8.mp4

    Michael Bacato was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1927. When he started high school at the age of 14, Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese. When he graduated high school, he enlisted in the Navy in 1945 so he wouldn't have to go into the Army. He stayed in the Navy for two years. In the Navy, Michael was on a crew of the Destroyer. When he got discharged from the Navy, he then started college in 1948. To help pay for college, he started working with the merch marines selling out oil tanks. He finished this in 1951. Michael started out in college at New York University, and soon after he almost had to go back to the Navy because North Korea invaded South Korea. To avoid going back, he joined the ROTC at NYU with the airforce. In 1952, he entered the extended active duty with the United States airforce as a second lieutenant. He went to Keesler Airforce Base for training, and he spent two years there. There, he became a Radar Officer. After his training, Michael then started to become interested with Von Braun, and the development of rockets in Huntsville, AL. He then finally made a decision to leave the airforce, and he moved to Huntsville to work. He went into the Mechanical Engineering Design group. One of the first projects he was assigned to was the life support system, working with two monkeys. He then was offered a job in the Bioengineering group, which he liked much better, so he decided to stay with this group. His last program he worked on was on the Hubble Telescope, where he had the opportunity to work with Buzz Aldron.
  • spc_schu_0001992.pdf
  • Thedeveofacheclangatol_110907113826.pdf

    ATOLL was developed to fulfill the requirements for a common computer language that could be used by the test engineers for launch and factory checkout. "ATOLL" is the abbreviated name for Acceptance, Test, Or Launch Language.
  • launvehirecosystrequ_061407154402.pdf

    The primary considerations in the design and development of a recovery system applicable to present expendable first stage launch vehicles are discussed. The general requirements that define the essential characteristics of a feasible recovery system are derived from three critical phases during flight. The degree of criticalness is primarily influenced by the conditions at stage cutoff and separation. The three critical phses of flight are broken down into the following: (1) conditions and requirements between stage separation to re-entry; (2) re-entry; and (3) terminal descent and landing.
  • spc_nick_000074_000076.pdf

    This letter requests William Nichols to be present at the trial as a defense witness and a written statement from Nichols to detail what his testimony would be. The letter includes questions for Nichols to answer in the written statement.
  • spc_nick_000097_000098.pdf

    William Nichols writes to Robert K. Bell, enclosing a letter from Lieutenant Colonel William G. Barry. The enclosed letter requests William Nichols' presence at the Nickerson trial at an undetermined date. It states that a subpoena will be sent when a date is set.
  • spc_nick_000224_000226.pdf

    Letter requests William Nichols' presence at the trial of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. It also includes questions Nichols is to answer in a written statement and an anticipated range of dates he will be expected to give his testimony in court.
  • spc_nick_000232_000234.pdf

    Letter requests Ralph Wiltsie's presence at the trials of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. It also includes questions Wiltsie is to answer in a written statement and an anticipated range of dates he will be expected to give his testimony in court.
  • spc_nick_000246_000248.pdf

    This letter requests Robertson's presence at the Nickerson trial as a defense witness and a written statement in response to several questions listed in the letter.
  • spc_nick_000394_000394.pdf

    Barry writes to Bell to inform him that the Nickerson case has been transcribed and was forwarded to Washington the previous day. He expresses gratitude towards the manner in which Bell extended to him and hopes to renew their acquaintance in the future.
  • FailInvest_022008112606.pdf.pdf

    Case histories of seven typical failures in large liquid propelled rocket engines components have been prepared. Quite simple to complex investigations are presented covering a variety of failure modes in a variety of materials. Included are successful solutions to the failure problems investigated.; Archive copy is a poor photocopy.
  • Operexpesatu_012309125536.pdf

    This paper presents a light, but reverent, discussion of some of the Douglas operational experiences on the Saturn V/S-IVB stage. Certain relevant aspects of earlier work on the Thor intermediate range ballistic missile, the Saturn I S-IV stage, and the Uprated Saturn I S-IVB stage are also discussed.; Aeronautic and Space Engineering and Manufacturing Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., Oct. 7 - 11, 1968.
  • spc_nick_000200_000203.pdf

    Written testimony of John A. Baumann, employee of the Radio Corporation of America, presented if he were "present in court". No signatures of the defense counsel, accused, or trial counsel are on the document.
  • HisMSFC_020608084559.pdf

    Paper given to North East Chapter , Mississippi Society of Professional Engineers. Essay discussing the history of the MSFC Reliability Philosophy.
  • spc_nick_000092_000092.pdf

    Beale writes to Alverson, the editor of The Daily Enterprise, regarding potential questions Alverson wants to ask President Eisenhower.
  • Mateorgachar_012309115117.pdf

    Saturn S-II Program Organizational chart.
  • Vibracouenvichar_011509105838.pdf

    This paper presents representative examples of vibration and acoustic data from flights of the Saturn V launch vehicle and static firings of Saturn V launch vehicle stages. The purpose of the paper is to provide vibration and acoustic environment characteristics which are pertinent to the design of launch vehicles
  • spc_stnv_000089.pdf

    This message for the Apollo Program Director contains a report of the Apollo launch vehicles, problem that occurred, and actions required. The photocopy is difficult to read.
  • spc_stnv_000100.pdf

    This paper discusses the propulsion requirements for various stages of the Apollo vehicles and the development of these engines.
  • recenasaexphydeng_070307131651.pdf

    This paper presents a review of the experience which has accumulated in the development of the Liquid Hydrogen J-2 and RL10 rocket engines. These engines are being developed by the Rocketdyne Division of North American Aviation and Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, a Division of United Aircraft Corporation respectively.; On NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) as Unclassified; No Copyright; Unlimited; Publicly available. Also found on AIAA site.
  • recnasexpwithydeng_041207110126.pdf

    This paper presents a review of the experience which has accumulated in the development of the Liquid Hydrogen J-2 and RL10 rocket engines. These engines are being developed by the Rocketdyne Division of North American Aviation and Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, a Division of United Aircraft Corporation respectively.; On NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) as Unclassified; No Copyright; Unlimited; Publicly available. Also found on AIAA site.
  • spc_stnv_000090.pdf

    This message for the Apollo Program Director contains a report of the Apollo launch vehicles, problem that occurred, and actions required. The photocopy is difficult to read.
  • Premskel.pdf

    The Preliminary Skeletal Operations Plan is a statement of the operational concept for Apollo. This draft contains a description of the conduct of the Apollo LOR landing mission and a mission profile. It provides the basis for more detailed mission planning, for generating functional criteria for equipment design, and for measuring the adequacy of the current Apollo hardware for satisfying operational needs.
  • spc_nick_000008_000008.pdf

    This personal letter from Robert K. Bell details personal health conditions and an upcoming trip to Washington.
  • spc_nick_000019_000019.pdf

    Robert K. Bell writes to Senator Bob Jones for help and information regarding the Nickerson case.
  • spc_nick_000020_000021.pdf

    The transcript details a conversation regarding the necessity of military counsel being present during the conference with Colonel Bengston, Captain Ledford, and Colonel Nickerson and under whose orders was the military counsel under.
  • spc_nick_000033_000033.pdf

    Bell thanks Jenkins for joining the defense of Nickerson and writes that he included newspaper clippings and other informative information about the case.
  • spc_nick_000034_000035.pdf

    In this letter, it is requested that May 13-17, 1957 be set as the dates of the Nickerson trial. It then details the reasons for these specific dates.
  • spc_nick_000041_000042.pdf

    The Defense Counsel writes to the Commanding General, Third United States Army requesting "top secret clearance for all members of the General Court Martial, the Court Reporter, and the Civilian Counsel n the case of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr."
  • spc_nick_000046_000055.pdf

    These drafts of the letter and final letter to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence requesting highly classified information to be made available to the Court in order to "insure a proper defense" in the Nickerson case. These documents also include a letter from Bell to Ray H. Jenkins asking him to read the draft of the letter before Bell sends it and also asks about traveling to Washington the following week.
  • spc_nick_000063_000066.pdf

    In this letter, the Defense Counsel provides a list of witnesses for the defense in the case of John Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000068_000068.pdf

    This letter requests a pre-trial conference be held on the 26th or 27th of April, 1957.
  • spc_nick_000069_000073.pdf

    In this letter, the Defense Counsel provides a list of witnesses for the defense in the case of John Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000077_000088.pdf

    This letter from the Defense Counsel requests a continuance of the trial of Colonel John C. Nickerson due to the counsel still waiting on a response to their request for top secret clearance for access to pertinent information for the trial and the delay of the release of the pre-trial investigation to the civilian defense counsel. A letter from John Nickerson follows, detailing how without top secret clearance, he is unable to provide his civilian counsel with "essential components of the real issues in my defense without divulging information that is now classified." Multiple copies are included.
  • spc_nick_000093_000094.pdf

    Bell responds to McDonald's letter from April 30, 1957. He discusses the Nickerson case and the recent call for witnesses by the trial counsel. He also discusses old aquaintances on a personal level and mentions his upcoming trip to Indianapolis, hoping to have lunch with McDonald while there.
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