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"Charge-Out Record for A-V Materials."
The chart is blank and has room to record the date borrowed, name of borrower, A-V material borrowed, and whether or not the equipment was returned. -
"Chemistry in Space Boosters" presentation given at Huntsville High School.
The document is a draft of the presentation "Chemistry in Space" by Harold Perkins, who explains the role of chemists in developing space launch vehicles. The document Includes references to charts and other presentation supports. The document is marked in the upper left hand corner "Huntsville High School Science Organization (the JETS), October 1962." -
"Chilldown Electrical System for S-IVB Space Vehicle."
The paper is marked, "To be presented at the IEEE 1965 Aerospace Conference featuring Flight Vehicle Electrical/Electronics Systems, Houston, Texas, June 20-24, 1965." The abstract states "This paper presents the electrical system used to drive the chilldown motor pumps on the S-IVB space vehicle. This system consists of a 56 volt battery supplying power to the two three-phase solid state inverters which in turn drive two cryogenic motor pumps. Included in this paper is a short description of the overall chilldown system requirements. The advantages of the a-c system over the d-c system are discussed with emphasis on weight and reliability. Two functionally identical 1.5kva inverters were designed. One inverter uses germanium transistors in the output stage while the other uses silicon transistors. Both inverters were designed to have a quasi-square wave output. The inverter circuitry is described and the advantages of each is discussed including a comparison of weight, size, operating temperature, efficiency and voltage rating." Includes diagrams. -
"Christmas 1968 / Panorama Dr. / Kerry unwrapping presents and playing drum."
Footage shows Kerry Dannenberg playing and walking around the living room while Klaus, Betty, and Ingeborg open presents. Last scene shows Klaus Dannenberg reading a book to Kerry. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. Winter 1968. -
"Christmas 1968 Part I."
First part of video shows Kerry and Klaus playing with Kerry's new drum set that he got for Christmas. The latter half of the film shows Kerry being sat down for dinner by Betty. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. Winter 1968. -
"Christmas 1968 Part II."
First part of film shows Kerry eating and drinking at a table with Ingeborg Dannenberg. Second part shows Kerry opening and setting up a toy train track with Klaus Dannenberg. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama Winter 1968 -
"Chronology of early Air Force man-in-space activity: 1955 - 1960."
The foreword states "In this chronology, Air Force manned space flight activity is viewed from the perspective of the ballistic missile development agency - the Air Research and Development Command's Western Development Division, later re-named the Air Force Ballistic Missile Division. Due to resource limitations at the Space Systems Division historical office, research for this chronology has been generally limited to materials available in the files of that office. All documents cite in the notes which follow each entry are located in the archives of the Historical Division, Office of Information, Space Systems Division, in Los Angeles California." There are handwritten notes throughout. -
"Classification review of Saturn I/IB quarterly film report, no. 24."
Memo to Lee Cropp, I-RM-D concerning security classification. -
"Cleaning and Contamination Control."
The document is a paper describing contamination cleaning methods and advocating for further developments in the field. Tables and figures are included at the end of the paper. The figures include a comparison of Saturn V with Saturn I and Saturn IB and cross-sections of the Saturn C-5, S-IC stage fuel tank assembly and oxidizer tank assembly. -
"Columbia and eagle prepared for launch."
A news article detailing the scheduled launch for the Apollo 11. "Eagle" is the name of the lunar module and "Columbia" is the name of the service module.