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"Liquid Rockets."
This review indicates recent developments which have occurred in the liquid rocket engine field, special development areas associated with the liquid engines in current usage, and several trends which may be expected in the design of future advanced rocket engines. -
"Milestones in cryogenic liquid propellant rocket engines."
This paper reviews the milestones achieved with cryogenic liquid propellant rocket engines, discusses current technology improvement programs, and projects future engine designs. During the last two decades, these cryogenic rocket engines have played a major role in rocketry and achieved numerous important milestones. These engines power the Vanguard, Redstone, Thor, Atlas, and Titan I vehicles , the Saturn I and Uprated Saturn I vehicles, and will soon be employed in the Saturn V for the Apollo missions. The requirements dictated by these vehicles have necessitated growth from the 27,000-pound-thrust Vanguard engine to the 7,600,000-pound-thrust booster cluster for the Saturn V. Gains in specific impulse have also been significant. The successful application of liquid hydrogen in the Centaur and Saturn upper-stage rocket engines was a major achievement. -
"Extensions of Saturn."
This paper discusses the possible applications of Saturn vehicles to future space exploration. Potential missions utilizing Apollo derived hardware are examined. Research, development, and operations in earth orbit as well as lunar exploration, unmanned and manned interplanetary exploration are reviewed. These hypothetical missions are discussed in the context of the present and potential capability of three configurations of the Saturn vehicle; an uprated Saturn I, a three-stage Saturn V and a four-stage Saturn V. NOTE: Work presented herein was conducted by the Douglas Missiles and Space Systems Division under company-sponsored research and development funds. Therefore, the concepts and objectives described within this paper reflect the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by NASA, the Air Force, or any other U.S. Government organization. The nominal performance numbers presented are typical of the current configurations and possible future vehicle configurations. -
"Application of the Saturn V Launch Vehicle to Unmanned Scientific Exploration of the Solar System."
According to the foreword, "This paper presents the results of a twelve-week mission and systems analysis of a combined Jupiter orbiter/solar probe mission utilizing the Saturn V launch vehicle." -
"A review of the research origins of the LANCE weapon system -- Project hindsight -- Task 1 supplement."
This report includes a discussion of 57 research and exploratory development events that have been identified as contributing significantly to LANCE. Forty-six of these are research events. Eight of the research events deal with LANCE aerodynamics, four with propulsion, 24 with solid-state components used in the guidance and control system,and 10 with the research origins of the materials and manufacturing processes used in LANCE. In addition, 11 exploratory development events are identified. The principal concern of this study has been the identification of further research origins of LANCE and the 46 documented events are its major product. A further concern and obligation of this study has been to provide HINDSIGHT with some additional data on the research phenomenon including some further observations on the nature and route of research utilization.; FOREWORD: The purpose of this report is to present a survey of fundamental research contributing to the successful development of the LANCE weapon system. Included in this report are discussions of research inputs to a number of LANCE systems and technology areas. The circumstances of these research contributions to LANCE are discussed. The implications of these examples of research utilization are analyzed and some general observations and conclusions on the research payoff phenomena are given. This report was requested by the Army Missile Command as a supplemental contribution to Project HINDSIGHT.; Contract No. DA-01-021-AMC-14693(Z).; Battle Memorial Institute ,Columbus Laboratories.; RSIC-627.; Includes letter from W. Metscher, Lt. Col. to Mr. David L. Christensen dated March 14, 1969. -
"The potential bio-medical applications of Saturn nondestructive test methods."
A brief history and purpose of nondestructive methods followed by a discussion of those methods. -
"Space age management or maintenance of technical capability during a period of retrenchment."
On January 3Ist of this year the United States celebrated its tenth anniversary in Space. In just one decade we have seen our space program climb from an humble beginning (a 30.8-pound payload put into orbit with a jury-rigged rocket) to extra-vehicular-activity and the tremendous Saturn V vehicle capable, of putting 250,000 pounds into low earth orbit. We have seen it grow from a "quick and dirty" operation to a program which at its peak had approximately 380,000 industrial employees in excess of {dollar}5.O billion per year. The marshalling of this great management and technological team generated many "growing pains". A few years ago the hue and cry was, "Where are we going to get sufficient people with scientific knowledge and drive to implement the space program?" Industry, sometimes reluctantly, was pressed into tasks which required managerial and technical skills beyond those they then possessed. -
Correspondence between Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. and Margaret C. Brownlow.
Brownlow writes to give Nickerson the name of someone that would be interested in his case, Ray Jenkins, who would eventually join Nickerson's defense counsel with Robert K. Bell, along with two others. Nickerson responds, thanking Brownlow for the information. He expresses concern over financially securing Jenkins for his defense but hopes that Brownlow could still arrange a meeting in Knoxville, Tennessee. The third letter is a rough draft of Nickerson's response. Brownlow's second letter responds that she was able to get in touch with Ray Jenkins and left him with materials to read on Nickerson's case. Brownlow states she would get back to Nickerson as soon as he says "yes".