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"Aerospace Vehicle Simulation and Checkout."
Paper by J. W. Moore and J. R. Mitchell, Quality & Reliability Assurance Laboratory, Marshall Space Flight Center, and H. H. Trauboth, Computation Laboratory, Marshall Space Flight Center. The paper summary notes, "The advancement of the space age into increasingly complex and ambitious missions requiring the development and operation of more sophisticated and intricate launch vehicles has generated numerous problem areas. The purpose of this paper is to define the Aerospace Vehicle Simulation; discuss the relationship of this simulation to the major problem areas of checkout; describe the development and implementation of this simulation system; indicate multidiscipline applications to present and future programs." -
"After the Moon - What? Minutes of the Manned Flight Awareness Seminar."
The seminar was held at the Manned Spacecraft Center, September 25-26, 1969. -
"A Helium Face Seal Application In a Liquid Oxygen Pump."
Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Fluid Sealing held in conjunction with the 24th annual meeting in Philadelphia, May 5-9, 1969. -
"A Hybrid Simulation for Dynamic Verification of Saturn Guidance and Control Subsystems."
This paper presents a discussion of a hybrid simulation used to dynamically verify the Saturn Guidance and Control subsystems. First, the Saturn vehicle is briefly described to provide background information. The Instrument Unit (IU) is considered in more detail to give a proper setting for the Guidance and Flight Control (G and FC) discussion that follows. After a brief description of the actual G and FC System operation, simulation models of the G and FC components are considered in detail. This is followed by a discussion of the model assignment to a particular computer (digital or analog) and justification for making that assignment. Finally, results of the AS-204/LM1 hybrid simulation studies are briefly considered with mention of the actual flight data.