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"Apollo Telescope Mount Fact Sheet."
This fact sheet contains information related to the Apollo Telescope Mount, or ATM, which allows scientists to look at the activity of the sun through the fogging effects of the earth's atmosphere. -
This is a manual that describes the handling and use of the Apollo Telescope Mount prior to launch. -
"Apollo Vehicle Propulsion Systems."
This paper discusses the propulsion requirements for various stages of the Apollo vehicles and the development of these engines. -
"Apollo-LEM Docking Combined Probe and Drogue Assemblies Static Structural Test."
This document contains the test technical report and results for the LEM docking probe and drogue assemblies to demonstrate that the assemblies would sustain enough load to capture latch. The document contains various graphs, diagrams, and images from testing. The final page contains a note that page no. A-139 is missing from the report. -
"Apollo/Saturn consolidated instrumentation plan for AS-204/LM-1."
This report represents the consolidated instrumentation plan for employing optical and electronic data acquisition systems to monitor the performance and trajectory of the Apollo/Saturn 1B vehicle, AS-2 04/LM-1, during powered flight. Telemetry and electronic tracking equipment on board the vehicle, and data acquisition systems monitoring the flight are discussed. Flight safety instrumentation and vehicle data transmission are described, and geophysical information is provided. This plan reflects the general instrumentation coverage requirements set forth in the NASA Program Support Requirements Document (PSRD) for Apollo/Saturn 16, and the commitments of Eastern Test Range (ETR) Operations Directive (OD) No. 4206,dated 15 August 1967. This plan is not intended to conflict with or to supersede either document. The information presented in this document reflects planning concepts developed prior to October 1, 1967. -
"Apollo/Saturn Guide for the Preparation of Specifications: Volume I of II Volumes."
According to the purpose found in section 1.1, "Volume I provides a guide for the preparation of specifications for existing equipment in the Apollo/Saturn Program." -
"Appendix to Chapter II of a Survey of Various Vehicle Systems for the Manned Lunar Landing Mission."
This appendix includes various diagrams of orbital launch vehicles, graphs of propellant and tankweight, returnpayload, and lift-off requirements, velocity requirements for a manned lunar mission, multiple drawings for the Saturn C-3 vehicles, lunar mission payloads, information of vehicle size, and a summary of the Saturn C-3 lunar mission. -
"Application of Data to Design: Design of Space Vehicle Structures for Vibration and Acoustic Environments."
According to the abstract, this paper discusses the need for a uniform design approach throughout the aerospace industry for space vehicle structural vibrations in order to keep pace with improvements in environment definition and testing. -
"Application of Nuclear Propulsion to the Mars Manned Landing Mission."
This report has been prepared to provide Aerojet management and the interested NASA offices with nuclear propulsion decision aid data. The primary intent of these analyses is to evaluate potential space missions which may utilize nuclear propulsion in an effort to determine the most desirable characteristics of a nuclear propulsion system.