UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (1965 total)

  • Projthorarepo_120210114116.pdf

    Unclassified control No. 015415.; Requested by D.L. Christensen, DLC-5/2/69-Memo for Scientific and Technical Information, Cameron Station, Alexandria.
  • Persarepobibl_111810115549.pdf

    List of unclassified reports.
  • Binder1_080610113218.pdf

    The document is an annotated bibliography of reports from Requested by D. L. Christiensen. 2
  • Markinterepo_012609120629.pdf
  • Marsanaldms_040709154542.pdf
  • spc_stnv_000066.pdf

    The report covers June 30, 1967 through June 27, 1968: Contract NAS8-5608, Schedules 1 and 1A, July 27, 1968. Prepared by J. P. Delaloye, Management Reporting and Analysis; Supervised by D. G. Valentine, Management Reporting and Analysis; Approved by R. F. Terry, Program Reports; D. H. Creim, Michoud, Program Planning and Reporting Manager; E. K. Cooper, S-IC Program Executive.
  • spc_mraz_072_093.pdf

    This booklet, a Meldungsbuch, is a record of Mrazek's enrollment at Deutsche Technische Hochschule Brünn (German Technical University in Brünn, Czechoslovakia, now Brno, Czech Republic), where he received an MS in Engineering in 1934. The booklet identifies his courses and professors and includes a photograph of Mrazek.
  • preshiandrecofthesatboo_031207115946.pdf

    The purpose of this report is to present the shipping and recovery procedures for the Saturn booster.
  • spc_stnv_000034.pdf

    Digesu worked in the Astrionics Division of MSFC. This paper was presented at the AIAA Guidance & Control Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 12-14, 1963.
  • mannlunalandviarend_051107100817.pdf

    Paper to be presented at the IAS National Meeting on Manned Space Flight. Focuses on operations leading to injection of the space craft into the lunar transfer trajectory.
  • broowats_061307102136.pdf

    Included are a copy of page 7 of the December 1963 publication of Pan Am (GMRD) Clipper magazine and a letter from Pan American World Airways to David Christensen. The magazine article briefly describes the gantry that surrounded Saturn-V and Pan American's Saturn complex Supervisor, Brooks Watson.
  • spc_spac_000299_000300.pdf

    This flier advertises window and counter displays. The displays include figures of gnomes, clowns, chefs, people, bunnies, and a variety of santas.
  • Friday__September_21__2018_at_1_59_49_PM_default_89bca7ab.mp4

    Charles Dissinger was born and raised in Virginia. As a small child, Charles's father would drive him over to the Langley Research Center in Virginia, and he was always engaged with the space program. Charles remembers watching every space launch on tv with his dad as a kid. Being inspired by space, he decided to go to The University of Virginia to get his bachelor's degree in Biology. Then, after graduating, he taught high school for 4 years. After this, he went back to graduate school at West Virginia University to get his master's degree in Biology/Biochemistry. His second career after teaching, was doing Biochemical research for 19 years. Charles's wife later on received a job offer at The Marshall Space Flight Center in Hunstville, AL to join the Information Technology Organization there. She took this job, and they moved to Huntsville. Charles was then soon after hired in 1994 at NASA. His first project there included finding the requirements for the NASA Standard 3000 design. This project was called "The Launch Deployment Assembly" which was a system to deliver the robotic arm to the space station. Another program Charles was involved in was the Propulsion Module.
  • Useoftankmounboospump_031607093838.pdf

    This paper outlines the results of a test program which was planned to demonstrate the feasibility of using a tank mounted, all-inducer, high speed liquid hydrogen booster pump to provide NPSH for the turbo pump in a reactor-powered vehicle. The cavitation problem associated with pumpoing liquid hydrogen, when used as a propellant, is further aggravated by localized heating caused by radiation from the reactor.
  • Pumpboilliqu_100510153814.pdf

    Article containing diagrams about the pumping and boiling process of water.
  • desdevzerogvapliq_071207111927.pdf

    During long coast periods of zero-gravity, storage vessels for the cryogenic liquids proposed for use in some power transmission systems undergo random distribution of the liquid and vapor phases therein. Thus, when heat flow into the vessel causes the vessel pressure to build-up requiring venting to maintain a safe value, the likelihood of venting the valuable liquid phase, as well as the vapor, results. To preclude this eventuality, various devices for separating the liquid and vapor phases and venting just the vapor have been studied and carried into the experimentation stages.
  • spc_spac_000383_000384.pdf

    This card has an image of the "beautiful Fibreglas Space Age Dodgem car" and a price for it.
  • HsvSpacCityUSA_062408165736.pdf

    An article describing Huntsville's role in various space related projects.
  • Satusivfirs_102810143053.pdf

    Press release detailing the firing of the Saturn S-IV in California.
  • Liquhydr_110110140123.pdf

    Review detailing the use of liquid hydrogen in Saturn rockets.
  • newsreleaseliqhydrog_041207113432.pdf

    Press release covering the nature and use of liquid hydrogen
  • douairnewreldisintgroqualtesprofrosIVsta_041107131816.pdf

    ABSTRACT: Discusses intensive ground qualification testing program for S-IV stage.
  • dougairnewsrel_071107103358.pdf

    ABSTRACT: Discusses intensive ground qualification testing program for S-IV stage.
  • spc_stnv_000117.pdf

    A summary found following the errata page reads: "This paper presents a second look at the subject of the man-machine relationship in automatic test operations. 'Man, Machine, and Automatic Test Operations' was presented by the writer at Battelle Memorial Institute in November of 1963...It is the purpose of this second look at the man-machine interface to pinpoint those concepts which have proven their worth with time and those concepts which have proven to be weak, and as a result modified with time." This paper was prepared by George F. Meister, Jr.
  • presrelsacrcaloct4_041207114716.pdf

    Press release covering the static firing of the S-IV rocket for a full seven minutes.
  • thethorhis.pdf

    This history is intended as a quick orientation source and as a ready-reference for review of the Thor and its systems. The report briefly states the development of Thor, summarizes and chronicles Thor missile and booster launchings, provides illustrations and descriptions of the vehicle systems, relates their genealogy, explains some of the performance capabilities of the Thor and Thor-based vehicles used, and focuses attention to the exploration of space by Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc.
  • Sixengiclusof_102110102741.pdf

    A press-release detailing the successfuly firing and the specfic launching information of the Saturn I-V rocket-launch.
  • 001.pdf

    This is a series of interviews with various anonymous astronauts from various programs including Skylab, focused on the future of manned spaceflight.
  • spc_mraz_0000059.pdf

    Given by Auburn University president Ralph Brown Draughon, the citation notes Mrazek's accomplishments as "Marshall Space Flight Center's chief engineer."
  • Huntisasdec68_040709153450.pdf

    The following article is a digest from the Book, "From Peenemunde to Outer Space", commemorating the fiftieth birthday of Wernher von Braun, March 23, 1962 condensed by H. M. Hammac).
  • spc_stnv_000119.pdf

    Prepared by A. W. Dryden, Quality Engineer, Quality Engineering, Reliability Assurance, Space Systems Center, Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc., Huntington Beach, California. Presented to the 21st Annual Technical Conference for the American Society for Quality Control, Chicago, Illinois. 30 May to 2 June 1967.
  • Letttothepres101268_120808163249.pdf

    Correspondance between the President and Hugh L. Dryden regarding administrative limitations of the President's power.
  • lettdrhughodigfromhughdryd_031607081156.pdf

    Letter to Hugh Odishaw from Donald Hornig regarding a previous meeting as well as an F-1 engine report.
  • spc_stnv_000056.pdf

    Paper given at the AIAA Guidance and Control Conference, August 12-14, 1963, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • spc_stnv_000129.pdf

    By J. Reynolds Duncan, Jr., Aerospace Engineer, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama. AIAA 7th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, New York City, New York, January 20 - 22, 1969.
  • Satuiiblaun_071911184042.pdf

    6Aeronautic and Space Engineering and Manufacturing Meeting, Los Angeles, California.
  • Nexuconc.pdf

    Aspects of Earth-to-orbit delivery are discussed and a cost analysis of the logistic operation and the cost of orbital operations are presented. Probabilities of success of orbital delivery and the operational and economic aspects of establishing large orbital installations and maintaining a large transportation volume in the 1975/85 time period are compared for the two cases using a large number of Saturn V versus a smaller number of 1-stage chemical Post-Saturn launch vehicles. Performance parameters of chemical, chemonuclear and nuclear launch vehicles are compared. The concept of a blunt launch vehicle configuration referred to as NEXUS is presented in detail. Applications of this configuration to chemonuclear propulsion and to a 50 ft diameter version of Saturn V with recoverable first stage are discussed.
  • InflapolsatuV_061908163151.pdf

    This paper presents some relationships between Apollo/Saturn V launch operations and multiple lunar landing sites, including the means by which site selection could facilitate launch operations.
  • SkywritDec2068_032210104848.pdf

    News article detailing how Apollo 8 is ready for launch and the anticipation surrounding it.
  • Skyrwritermay1669_121310160610.pdf

    News article detailing that the final preparations for the lift-off of the Apollo rocket have been completed.
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