UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (1976 total)

  • spc_stnv_000078.pdf

    This document contains the tests and test results from structural tests performed on the Apollo LEM docking drogue assembly between January 11, 1967 and February 15, 1967. The document contains various graphs, diagrams, and images pertaining to the tests.
  • Skywritermay2369_121310160336.pdf

    News article detailing the Apollo 10 crew's preparations to return to Earth from lunar orbit.
  • Skywritermay969_121310160912.pdf

    News article detailing the attention Apollo 10 is getting after its successful countdown demonstration test (CDDT).
  • SkywSpacDiviVolXXIX18_052410123605.pdf

    A news article describing that Apollo 10's goal is to simulate a lunar landing in preparation for the real mission.
  • spc_stnv_000073.pdf
  • Nortamerrockaug1569_120910143121.pdf

    A news article detailing the return of the Apollo 11 module to Downey and the plans to set it up as a display.
  • spc_dann_000241.mp4

    Konrad Dannenberg goes to see one of the later Apollo flights liftoff from Cape Canaveral, Florida. This film contains a lot of shots of the spectator gallery as well as the lauch and disappearance of the Saturn V launching vehicle. 1969.
  • spc_dann_000255.mp4

    Konrad Dannenberg tours the visitor stand for the launch of Apollo 15. Of paticular note is a scale model the is on display showing a cross-section of the Skylab space station, as well as brief shots of the Saturn V launcher and the Vehicle Assembly Building. 1971.
  • spc_dann_000268.mp4

    Ingeborg and Konrad get ready for the launch of Apollo 16. They are shown boarding a bus from their hotel in Cape Canaveral, Florida which conveys them to the visitor stands to watch the launch. While on the road to the stands, Konrad captures pictures of the vehicle assembly building and the rocket on the launchpad. Spring 1972.
  • spc_stnv_000079.pdf

    This document contains a transcription of the pre-launch press conference for Apollo 4. It includes the questions asked and answers given by participants Dr. Robert C. Seamans, Dr. George E. Mueller, Major General Samuel C. Phillips, Dr. Kurt H. Debus, and Dr. Wernher von Braun.