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Wrecked German Command car 1 mi S. Cassino.
Photograph number 447. This photograph shows a wrecked German Command vehicle located approximately one mile south of Cassino, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs. -
Mt. Cassino.
Photograph number 448. This photograph shows a view of Monte Cassino in Cassino, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs. -
Sign on Hy. 6 of Mt. Trochio approx 2 mi. S. Cassino.
Photograph number 449. This photograph shows a sign that reads: "Front Lines! Stop" on Highway 6 near Mount Trocchio and approximately two miles south of Cassino, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs. -
Sign on Hy. 6 of Mt. Trochio approx 2 mi. S. Cassino.
Photograph number 450. This photograph shows a sign that reads: "Front Lines! Stop" on Highway 6 near Mount Trocchio and approximately two miles south of Cassino, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs. -
Farm Terraces on side Mt. Trocio.
Photograph number 451. This photograph shows farm terraces built on the sider of Mount Trocchio in Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs. -
Bypass Hy. # 6 S. Mt Portia.
Photograph number 452. This photograph shows the Highway 6 bypass south of Mount Porchia in Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs. -
Streaks from planes in sky. (Mignano).
Photograph number 453. This photograph shows streaks from airplanes in the sky in Mignano, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs. -
Streaks from planes in sky. (Mignano).
Photograph number 454. This photograph shows streaks from airplanes in the sky in Mignano, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs. -
Wreckage near Hq. Mignano.
Photograph number 455. This photograph shows a damaged building near the headquarters in Mignano, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs. -
Sgt. Sohroder.
Photograph number 456. This photograph shows Seargant Sohroder near a pile of building materials. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.