Side one of tape is a recording of a speech given by Tom Wolfe to a Rotary Club on the making and the early years on the United States space program. Recording followed by a note from Ward.
Interview with Tom Shaver on Wernher von Braun, describing his character, personality, and funny stories from his time as von Braun's assistant. Entirety of side one, side 2 through 45 minute mark.
Phone conversation between Bob Ward and Rocky Clarke on Wernher von Braun. Topics covered include von Braun's humor and his relations with other team members. Entirety of side 1.
Bob Ward interviews P. Petroff, asking about Wernher von Braun stories. Petroff relates a number of stories relating to von Braun's early life. Side 1 of tape.
Talk between Leland Belew and Bob Ward about Wernher von Braun. Belew relates a couple of stories relation to von Braun's planning ability, his role in Skylab, and his awareness of his illness. Both sides of tape.
Bob Ward gets lunch with Lee B. James. They discuss stories relating to Wernher von Braun over lunch. Mentioned are von Braun's meeting style, speeches, salesmanship, and how he handled publicity. Both sides of tape.
Conversation between Bob Ward and Jay Foster on interaction with Wernher von Braun. Foster relates a number of stories touching on von Braun's love of flying and professional associations, among others. Both sides of tape.
Short phone call where Bob Ward inquires about Ivo Sparkman's husband, Senator John Sparkman, and his relationship with President Roosevelt. Side 1 to 3:00 mark.