In the letter, McCanless writes that the book replacement purchase requests have been received and reviewed, and that publisher's announcements and order forms have been attached to the letter.
The letter concerns "the Commencement Excercises scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, May 30 and 31." It provides information about the times and places of the ceremonies and processions and reminds the faculty that their participation is required.
This document is a text version of the statements Charley Scott made on May 16, 1964 on the education needs and challenges in Alabama. Scott notes that he is addressing "students, prospective students, parents, secondary school representatives, and members of the University of Alabama staff in Huntsville." He frequently quotes Dr. Frank A. Rose, President of the University of Alabama.
The leaflet provides "Facts About The University of Alabama's New Huntsville Campus" including general information, student enrollments, and projected growth.
The provided information includes facts about the instructional programs, research institute, admission requirements, freshman counseling, expenses, and more.