The bulletin board behind Schulze reads "Vehicle Engineering Branch." Palaoro was the head of the Vehicle Systems Engineering Branch of the Structures and Mechanics Division at Marshall Space Flight Center.
This document includes details about Schulze's transfer to the United States after World War II, including his health and the terms of his employment as an engineer.
The two supplements extend August Schulze's employment in the United States to November 21, 1946. On the back of Supplement No. 2, Schulze lists amenities and their prices.
This special contract outlines the conditions of August Schulze's employment as an engineer in the United States. The document also includes instructions regarding the engineers' housing, dependents, mail, termination of contract, and burial.
This résumé outlines Schulze's professional activities and activities in rocketry. The document notes his interrogation by the United States and outlines plans for his "Contemplated Activity" as "Chief of the Subsection 'Thrust Unit'."