Letter describes a need for immediate use of Down Street Station as directed by "a certain gentleman" (known to be Winston Churchill) as a wartime shelter.
North Side Square, located across from the Huntsville courthouse. This square holds many restaurants and other businesses, acting as a hub for trade in the city.
This photograph shows the main entrance to the older wing of Morton Hall, which was constructed in 1961. It was most recently renovated in the late 2010s and reopened with a new wing in fall 2020.
The Conrad Swanson Observatory, located at 100 Observatory Dr SE in Huntsville, is owned and operated by the Von Braun Astronomical Society. The Swanson Observatory was built in 1956 and has had many additions and changes to it.
This is an article about the Cuca Cocoa Challenge Cup over 40 years after the event took place and specifically discusses the second cup and the challenges that led the demise of the Cuca Cocoa Challenge series.