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"Sperry Rand monthly progress report for July, 1969."
The following pages contain reports for each of the individual contract appendices covering technical progress and accomplishments, related problems, and staffing progress. The report of manhours expended against each appendix by schedule order is being submitted as a part of the financial management report. -
"The TV system for the Apollo telescope mount."
Focuses on the construction and future use of the Apollo space telescope. The components described in this paper except for those listed otherwise were designed by the Space Support Division of Sperry Rand Corporation to specifications established by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Appreciation is extended to MSFC for permission to publish this paper and for data and help provided for its preparation. -
"Statistical model for Saturn electrical support equipment mission availability."
This report presents the logic leading to a mathematical expression for mission availability. Mission availability is treated as the probability that the cumulative downtime occurring during a mission of given length will be less than the time constraint. This is opposed to more general approaches such as steady state or instantaneous availability or operating time versus real time. We intend to present a practical and usable mathematical model by deduction and demonstration. The development is based on exponentially distributed downtimes. Experience shows that certain systems follow exponential downtime distributions except near zero. This error is often so small that it may be neglected. A future report will present a downtime distribution which will account for this small error. -
Letter to the Honorable James E. Webb, Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration from Kurt R. Stehling.
A letter to Jame E. Webb proposing that the first LEM that lands on the moon to be named after President Kennedy." -
"The reliability picture at Marshall Space Flight Center - philosophy, staffing and management. Proposed talk to Orlando Section American Society for Quality Control."
Document that discusses the importance of reliability in engineering. -
"Reliability and quality management."
The role of Reliability and Quality in NASA program management is well defined by the NPC 200 series and complimentary procurement regulations. -
"Reliability assessment of liquid rocket engines."
Proposed for the 10th National Symposium on Reliability & Quality Control. This paper will deal with various techniques of treatment of such data and associated graphic displays. -
"Letter to Mr. George M. Low. and Joseph F. Shea."
Letter to George M. Lowe and Joseph F. Shea from H.A. Storms president continuing a conversation that was left unfinished. -
Postflight Analysis of Saturn Telemetry Systems.
The abstract states "A telemetry system is a device to transfer information from an inaccessible to an accessible location. A constant input to a telemetry system yields outputs that are distributed according to some density function. A linear change in this constant input may yield a nonlinear change in output. The theory of statistics and experimental design may be applied to the data received from a flight to evaluate the inflight accuracy, linearity, and precision of various telemetry systems. This paper explains the analytical concepts used in postflight analysis of Instrument Unit telemetry systems. It also presents the method for interpreting the results of these analytical techniques."