UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • proincrypumdesforspaapp_031808115456.pdf

    Report detailing the problems surrounding cryogenic pump design for space travel and missions.
  • Roles-ivbapol_041508165617.pdf

    Douglas Paper No. 4396.; Prepared by Ludwig Roth, Director, Saturn/Apollo Program Extension, Douglas Aircraft Company.; Presented to 16th Annual Conference of the Hermann Oberth Society. Discusses the role of the Apollo rocket after the Apollo program has concluded.
  • S1VBsathigh_032608091902.pdf

    The development of carrier rockets For manned space missions has been one of the major activities in the aerospace field during the past decade. The early space efforts were made possible by the existence of large ballistics missiles. It soon became obvious that the delivery of weapons and the launch of large spacecraft could not be combined into one operational system in an efficient way; therefore, a family of spacecraft boosters had to be created.
  • Somecompappl_011608101417.pdf

    This paper discusses a number of interesting applications of digital computers in the checkout of individual Saturn stages and in the prelaunch checkout of the complete Saturn vehicle. It discusses the concepts of automation in Saturn checkout, the unique two-computer mode of operation at the launch site and the operations of the high speed data link connecting the two computers. Also discussed are the functions of the computer while propellants are loaded automatically on one of the stages; the functions of the display computer in the newest and largest Saturn display system, and operations and utilization of the Digital Events Evaluator, the main recording device utilized during stage checkout.
  • telesystforsatus-istagdeve_032107081755.pdf

    The telemetry system used on the Saturn S-I stage for the transmission of vehicle test data is described. Multiplex and modulationtechniques such as PAM/FM/FM, SS/FM and PGM are used in the system. The diverse data requirements for developing the eight-engineliquid-fueled stage necessitated the use of a combination of severalmodulation techniques to efficiently handle the data. A cursory comparisonis made of the merits of each technique. Physical and electricalrequirements and characteristics of the system are outlined.
  • devandutiofcomtesproforcheofspaveh_110907133554.pdf

    A computer system was designed to allow test engineers to progressively employ automation in the checkout of the Uprated Saturn I and Saturn V space vehicle programs and still allow manual control of the checkout process. A two-computer system was selected by National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the International Business Machines Corporation was chosen to provide the programming engineering necessary to implement these objectives. Space vehicle checkout, prior to launch, may be characterized by controlling, monitoring, and testing the vehicle and its subsystems through the use of ground support equipment (GSE).; IBM Huntsville Library.; Presented at AIAA Conference, XVIIth International Astronautical Congress, Madrid, Spain, October 10-15, 1966 by Edward A. Robin, Manager, Vehicle Test Programming Department.
  • thedevofaboncombulforsat_090707133327.pdf

    A Part of the development of the Saturn S-IV/S-IVB stage the Douglas Aircraft Company has pioneered in the development of the cryogenic common bulkhead. The term common bulkhead is derived from the design function of the bulkhead, which is to separate the two cryogenics, liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, in a single tank, thereby shortening the stage and eliminating the necessity for two separate bulkheads and the associated interstage structure. The common bulkhead is structurally adequate to withstand both the thermal and the pressure loads from both the hydrogen and the oxygen tanks, and it has sufficient insulation properties to prevent the liquid hydrogen from freezing the liquid oxygen. Another benefit from the common bulkhead is that it permits a reduction in the total length of the vehicle, thereby reducing the bending moments.
  • theeasofimpofthesafproatthemarspaflicen_071107091611.pdf

    Presented at the 19th Annual Federal Safety Conference, National Safety Congress, Chicago, Illinois. A rundown of the new safety protocols, chiefly favoring the letter 'E.'
  • Meteorites and Ballistics_022107151909.pdf

    Technical Report surrounding meteorites and their ballistics.
  • Sourcredandpers_040709154214.pdf

    Abstract to "A thesis submitted to the faculty of Purdue University fo Gary Marshall Richetto in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, January 1969".; Handwritten note on front page: Return to Internal Communication, Room 223, 4202.
  • firshundreco_061107143958.pdf

    Keynote address at National Aeronautics and Space Administration to the American Rocket Society Conference on Launch Vehicle Structures and Materials. Speech focuses on problems facing the structure of Saturn rockets and other space vehicles.
  • memotechinfosummsa6_062907085347.pdf

    This memorandum outlines, through a series of sketches with accompanying text, the general features of the sixth SATURN I launch vehicle. The sketches are devoted primarily to the launch vehicle but also presents limited information on the spacecraft, the launch facility and launch preparations. The information presented in this summary was compiled through the efforts of R&DO personnel from P&VE, AERO and ASTR.
  • pdf_013108114114.pdf

    Presented to ACHEMA Congress and European Meeting of Chemical Engineering 1967, Frankfurt, Germany, June 21, 1967 by Dr. Eberhard Rees.; Includes slide numbers.
  • spc_stnv_000108.pdf

    This paper focuses on an approach for achieving high reliability within the Navigation, Guidance, and Control systems of the Saturn class launch vehicles.
  • wheregoingspacemgmt_062907110845.pdf

    Presented to the First Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, Florida, April 21, 1964 by Joseph H. Reed, Chief, Management Analysis Office, Executive Staff, Marshall Space Flight Center at the request of the Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, NASA
  • MSFCspecstanandprocmicrrefefileinde.pdf

    This reference file has been prepared in order to identify data contained on microfiche in the MS-D Repository. This index is divided into three sections. Section I - MSFC Specifications, Section II - MSFC Standards, and Section III - MSFC Procedures. This listing will be kept up-to-date and will be published monthly.; Prepared by: RCA Service Company.; April 15, 1968.; Rpt. #005 (handwritten on the cover).
  • spc_stnv_000096.pdf

    The memorandum contains a paper titled, "Apollo - Should It Be Committed to Weightlessness." This paper contains information about artificial gravity and the effects of prolonged periods of weightlessness on human beings and chimpanzees.
  • spacvehiteststan_031907103454.pdf

    One of the pacing items in this Nation's accelerated space program is the construction of facilities for the manufacture, development, testing, check-out, transportation and launching of space vehicles. Behind each successful launching are countless hours of effort in development, quality and reliability checks and tests of engines, components, boosters, and stacked stages; including pressure tests, cold-flow tests and hot firing (or static) tests; all to assure the safest possible trip for the men or instrumentation in the space craft.
  • Satquatecprorep_022108133339.pdf

    Douglas Aircraft Company Report DAC-56533, Saturn S-IVB Quarterly Technical Progress Report, covers design and development progress on the Saturn IB and Saturn V configurations of the S-IVB stage during January, February, and March 1967. This report is prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract NAS7-01.; Prepared for National Aeronautics and Space Administration under NASA contract NAS7-101.; Approved by A. P. O'Neal, Director, Saturn Development Engineering.
  • satuS-IVBquartechprogrepo_110607103908.pdf

    Douglas Aircraft Company Report DAC-56445, Saturn S-IVB Quarterly Technical Progress Report, covers design and development progress on the Saturn IB and Saturn V configurations of the S-IVB stage during August and September 1966. This report is prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract NAS7-101.
  • Engiorgachar_012309130339.pdf

    Organizational chart diagram of the North American Rockwell Corporation Engineering division: 10-14-1968
  • MasLisProj_050208091309.pdf

    Note attached to document to Mr. Christensen from William D. Putnam. List of projects ordered by criteria.
  • s-cisimu_062007154114.pdf

    Huntsville, Ala. -- NASA Marshall Space Flight Center engineers and scientists will soon begin using a giant Saturn V booster simulator in making various tests of equipment and facilities here and at Michoud Operations, Mississippi Test Operations and Cape Kennedy.
  • Propandvehi1968.pdf.pdf

    Monthly progress report of the month of December, 1968.
  • Nextdecainspac_092910155610.pdf

    Summary of President's Advisory Committee report to the President's Space Task Group.
  • Trandougsatusicbstag_082007093936.pdf

    Presented to the American Society of Civil Engineers by R. W. Prentice, manager, Saturn Logistics Support, Douglas Aircraft Company Inc., Missile & Space Systems Division, Space Systems Center, Huntington Beach, California. This paper describes the significant events and equipment associated with transporting the Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc., built Saturn S-IVB stage from stage fabrication at Huntington Beach, California, to the Sacramento Test Center and to the Kennedy Space Center. Descriptions and illustrations of the transportation vehicles and major ground support and instrumentation equipment are presented for a more comprehensive understanding of the transportation problem.
  • spc_stnv_000114.pdf

    This artist's rendering of the RL10-powered Saturn S-IV stage is depicted as heading toward deep space after separation from the booster. The drawing is accompanied with a brief description of the Saturn S-IV.
  • launinfosatus-iv_062007154516.pdf

    The RL10, which powers the National Aeronautics and Space Administration' s Saturn S-IV, is the newest propulsion system to be put to work in advancing our nation's space effortr On November 27, 1963, a pair of RLlO's successfully powered a five-ton Centaur space vehicle in earth orbit in the first flight demonstration of the outer space powerplant which uses high-nenergy liquid hydrogen as fuel. A six-engine cluster of RLlO' s, generating a total of 90, 000 pounds of thrust, powers the Saturn S-IV stage. The 15, 000 pound-thrust engine was designed and developed for NASA's Mar shall Space Flight Center at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft's Florida Research and Development Center, 20 miles northwest of West Palm Beach.
  • Prat_Whitairc_102810150126.pdf

    Photograph of a liquid hydrogen rocket engine.
  • Satusivengi_110110145014.pdf

    Folder of information.
  • techinsprl10liqhydrrock_041207102029.pdf

    A technician inspects an RLlO liquid hydrogen rocket engine OD the assembly floor. of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft's Florida Research and Development Center. The 115,000-pound-thrust RLlO was designed and developed for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Saturn S-IV azld Centaur space vehicles.
  • satuinstrsystems_041707143924.pdf

    Paper to be presented at the Third International Flight Test Instrumentation Symposium College of Aeronautics. A brief description of the Saturn vehicles is given, delineating the makeup of and differences between the Saturn I, Saturn IB, and Saturn V.
  • satuandtheexploofspac_042007155818.pdf

    Presentation Raymond Pisani to the East-West Bank Chamber of Commerce regarding the Saturn project's roll in space exploration and what contrabutions the East-West Bank can make in that area.
  • satugulfcoastpres_061307115347.pdf

    Presentation about the Saturn program and its purpose in the gulf coast.
  • Inspweld_022008153722.pdf

    Archive copy is a poor photocopy. Cannot read.
  • MemosIIstag_121907141432.pdf
  • Notetodrmuelfromsamu_120208111242.pdf

    a note to Dr. Mueller from Samuel C. Phillips regarding the designations of space vehicles.
  • Memoapoll8_022410131518.pdf

    Memorandum discussing the first manned Saturn V flight, its purpose and when/where the launch will take place.
  • Pescprogsept_100710145136.pdf

    Article covering the development of cryogenic pumps.
  • chemspaceboosters_041807125251.pdf

    The document is a draft of the presentation "Chemistry in Space" by Harold Perkins, who explains the role of chemists in developing space launch vehicles. The document Includes references to charts and other presentation supports. The document is marked in the upper left hand corner "Huntsville High School Science Organization (the JETS), October 1962."
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