UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • SatuS-II1964.pdf.pdf

    This document is the second annual progress report of the Saturn S-II Program. The report provides a summary and technical analysis of results of contract work by the Space and Information Systems Division of North American Aviation, Inc., for the period 1 July 1963 through 30 June 1964. This document was prepared in compliance with NASA contract NAS7-200.
  • compfaileffeonsystananalmode_062007111540.pdf

    Prepared by R. L. Parkhill, Section Chief, Saturn S-IVB Reliability Analysis and J. Pauperas JR., Asst. Section Chief, Saturn S-IV Reliability Analysis. Presented to the 4th Annual Seminar on Reliability for Space Vehicles, Los Angeles, California, December 6, 1963. This paper presents techniques originated by Douglas Engineering working under NASA contract NAS7-1. Prepared as a record of the study conducted for the Administrative Engineer on the Department Overhead Account No. 9703.; SUMMARY: In today's complex systems, such as Saturn, many traditional reliability analysis concepts are not acceptable. Because of time and budget restrictions, and the requirement to provide a "man rated" space vehicle, the Douglas Saturn Engineering Reliability Section has developed a new analytical approach; it is called "criticality ranking". It is a "totem pole" of components whose single failure may lead to system loss. "Criticality ranking" is one of the results of an analytical model which encompasses failure effect and reliability prediction. This paper describes this analytical model, discusses some of the techniques and ground rules, and presents examples. A discussion of the application of the results is also included.
  • spc_stnv_000055.pdf

    This paper presents a discussion of a hybrid simulation used to dynamically verify the Saturn Guidance and Control subsystems. First, the Saturn vehicle is briefly described to provide background information. The Instrument Unit (IU) is considered in more detail to give a proper setting for the Guidance and Flight Control (G and FC) discussion that follows. After a brief description of the actual G and FC System operation, simulation models of the G and FC components are considered in detail. This is followed by a discussion of the model assignment to a particular computer (digital or analog) and justification for making that assignment. Finally, results of the AS-204/LM1 hybrid simulation studies are briefly considered with mention of the actual flight data.
  • spc_stnv_000112.pdf

    This paper was presented at the International Cryogenic Engineering Conference in Kyoto, Japan. It details the use of cryogenic technology in rocketry and how its usage created "many new techniques and deeply stimulated many fields of cryogenic technology."
  • DigeofFY-64fundadvastudaugu1966_110707112556.pdf

    This paper outlines the major advantages of digital transducers and describes the principles and features (1) direct digital transducers, (2) indirect digital transducers, (3) quasi-digital transducers, and (4) A to D transducers. The mutual effect of transducers and systems will be discussed briefly, and some trends of transducer research and development will be presented.
  • digoffy65funadvstujul1966_090707104031.pdf

    This publication is one of a planned series to summarize the advanced study program for each fiscal year beginning with FY-61.A separate report will cover the study program for each fiscal year. The purpose of these documents is to provide reference information which should be helpful in planning future study programs. The FY-65 funded studies are covered in this document. These investigations are covered under four major headings: Launch Vehicle Studies, Earth Orbital and Lunar Studies, Planetary/Nuclear Studies, and AAP Studies. The information presented on each studyincludes a brief description of the objectives and pertinent contract data.
  • digoffy66funadvstunov1966_121407110639.pdf

    This publication is one of a planned series to summarize the advanced study program for each fiscal year beginning with FY-61.A separate report will cover the study program for each fiscal year. The purpose of these documents is to provide reference information which should be helpful in planning future study programs. The FY-65 funded studies are covered in this document. These investigations are covered under four major headings: Launch Vehicle Studies, Earth Orbital and Lunar Studies, Planetary/Nuclear Studies, and AAP Studies. The information presented on each studyincludes a brief description of the objectives and pertinent contract data.
  • Digefy62fund_101507152813.pdf

    This publication is one of a planned series to summarize the MSFC advanced study program for each fiscal year beginning with FY-61. A separate report will cover the study program for each fiscal year. The purpose of these documents is to provide historical reference information which should be helpful in planning future study programs. The FY-62 funded studies are covered in this document. These investigations are covered under two major categories: Launch Vehicle Studies; and Lunar, Orbital, and Planetary Studies. The information presented on each study includes a brief description of the objectives and results and pertinent contract data. In order to keep this report small and easy to use, no attempt was made to include conclusions based on the study results ; however,the final reports documenting the investigations are referenced. If these reports are needed for permanent retention and are not available from the MSFC Library (MS-IPL), submit requests for the documents to the Scientific and Technical Information Facility, Attention: NASA Representative, P.0. Box 33, College Park, Maryland 20740.
  • Digefy62fund_101507152239.pdf

    This publication is, one of a planned series to summarize the advanced study program for each fiscal year beginning with FY-61. A separate report will cover the study program for each fiscal year. The purpose of these documents is to provide historical reference information which should be helpful in planning future study programs. The FY-63 funded studies are covered in this document. These investigations are covered under three categories: Launch Vehicle and Supporting Studies; Orbital and Lunar Studies; and Planetary Studies. The information presented on each study includes a brief description of the objective and results and pertinent contract data. In order to keep this report small and easy to use, no attempt was made to include conclusions based on the study results; however, the final reports documenting the investigations are referenced. If these reports are needed for permanent retention and are not available from the Technical Supervisor or the MSFC Library (MS-IPL), submit requests for the documents to the Scientific and Technical Information Facility, Attention: NASA Representative, P. O. Box 33, College Park, Maryland 20740.
  • spc_stnv_000138.pdf

    Contract AF 18(600)-1775AD 815-832. Original is 6 sheets of microforms. Pages i, ii, iv, vi-xii, 110 and 344 missing on microforms. The title page notes that the document "Supersedes AE62-0400 and Supplements -A, -B, & -C."