UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • rptno25fragge_082707101519.pdf

    Memo to Mr. Lee Cropp informing that the subject film report was reviewed for security classification.
  • rptno25fragge_082707101519.pdf
  • Selemethforupra_022410132604.pdf

    This paper will discuss selected methods for increasing the Saturn launch vehicle payload capabilities. These methods involve system changes or additions that give large step performance'increases aver those which can be obtained by product improvements. The selected philosophy of approach and the established designed systems wil1,be described, as well as anticipatedsystem concepts that may be used to increase the Saturn vehicles' capabilities.
  • sensofrockengistabtopropfeedsystdyna_040607115532.pdf

    Because of the increased reliability required of rocket systems in their more recently assigned missions, previously acceptable design features must be reappraised ad refined. In the region of rocket engine system stability, the probles is centered in two areas, the combustor and the propellant feed system The principal interest of this paper lies in the coupling that occurs between the feed system and combustion dynamics, often termed a "buzzing" instability then the dymics are characterized by periodic pressure oscillations in the range of 200 to 1000 cps appearing in the combustion chamber and' the feed system.
  • sigdistautocheck_071807104428.pdf

    This paper deals with several selected aspects of the signal distribution in automatic checkout systems. These are: 1) The use of relay matrices as control elements; 2) The inclusion of self-checking capabilities; 3) Problems of systems integration. These aspects are not unique to automatic checkout systems. However, due to the nature of automatic checkout systems as presently being designed around digital circuitry, they find either fuller or different applications than in other types of systems. Also, while they are on the surface somewhat disconnected in nature, they tend to interrelate during the implementation of an automatic checkout system.
  • Skywritfeb1469_032210105433.pdf

    News article detialing the innovation of the SII's design, specifically how it is made lighter.
  • Sixengiclusof_102110102741.pdf

    A press-release detailing the successfuly firing and the specfic launching information of the Saturn I-V rocket-launch.
  • Somecompappl_011608101417.pdf

    This paper discusses a number of interesting applications of digital computers in the checkout of individual Saturn stages and in the prelaunch checkout of the complete Saturn vehicle. It discusses the concepts of automation in Saturn checkout, the unique two-computer mode of operation at the launch site and the operations of the high speed data link connecting the two computers. Also discussed are the functions of the computer while propellants are loaded automatically on one of the stages; the functions of the display computer in the newest and largest Saturn display system, and operations and utilization of the Digital Events Evaluator, the main recording device utilized during stage checkout.
  • someselephysanthandhumaengrdata_030807101534.pdf
  • SpacAgeManaMainTechCapaDurPeriRetr_062708142049.pdf

    On January 3Ist of this year the United States celebrated its tenth anniversary in Space. In just one decade we have seen our space program climb from an humble beginning (a 30.8-pound payload put into orbit with a jury-rigged rocket) to extra-vehicular-activity and the tremendous Saturn V vehicle capable, of putting 250,000 pounds into low earth orbit. We have seen it grow from a "quick and dirty" operation to a program which at its peak had approximately 380,000 industrial employees in excess of {dollar}5.O billion per year. The marshalling of this great management and technological team generated many "growing pains". A few years ago the hue and cry was, "Where are we going to get sufficient people with scientific knowledge and drive to implement the space program?" Industry, sometimes reluctantly, was pressed into tasks which required managerial and technical skills beyond those they then possessed.