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"Saturn S-IVB quarterly technical progress report."
Douglas Aircraft Company Report DAC-56533, Saturn S-IVB Quarterly Technical Progress Report, covers design and development progress on the Saturn IB and Saturn V configurations of the S-IVB stage during January, February, and March 1967. This report is prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract NAS7-01.; Prepared for National Aeronautics and Space Administration under NASA contract NAS7-101.; Approved by A. P. O'Neal, Director, Saturn Development Engineering. -
"Saturn SA-1 flight and its instrumentation."
Presentation focusing on empahsising the importance of space programs such as Saturn. -
"Saturn ST-124-M inertial guidance platform."
a press release which focuses around the Apollo 9 flight and what role the ST-124-M inertial guidance platform has in it. -
"Saturn stages S-II : July 7, 1961 : Minutes of the phase II pre-proposal conference for stage S-II procurement."
Transcription of a confrence aiming to propose ideas for new rocket designs. Includes references to slides. -
"Saturn system study II."
Study regarding the three-stage carrier vehicle E-1 engines. -
"Saturn technical information handbook. Volume III of four volumes : SA-203."
The "Saturn Technical Information Handbook" provides up-to-date reference material to the Launch Operations Center personnel. This material shows the assembly and operation of the Saturn Vehicle components for systems analysis.; Volume II is available on the NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) as a PDF. -
"Saturn television system for SA-6."
The Saturn television system is an instrumentation device intended to provide visual information on vehicle performance in real time. The system covers the entire problem from the original image presented to the television camera to the presentation of the finished photographs for analyses. -
"Saturn V : non-stage procured launch vehicle ground support equipment."
The functions, authority, management relationships, and responsibilities of the Launch Vehicle Ground Support Equipment Project Office are described. Functions and examples of non-stage procured Launch Vehicle Ground Support Equipment (LVGSE) are described and illustrated. -
"Saturn V America's moon rocket."
Diagram that displays the Saturn V rocket with a page beneath detailing the function of each stage. -
"Saturn V Apollo Flight Configuration."
Drawn by Don Sprague at the Huntsville Engineering section of Boeing.