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"Memorandum for the record, from E. M. Cortright, Assistant Administrator for Programs."
Poor photocopy. Memorandum informing that members of the Boeing company are coming by for a study of their own. -
"Memorandum for the Vice President from (John F. Kennedy)."
Memorandum from John F. Kennedy to the vice president, wanting to put him in charge of the survey recording their actions in space. -
"Memorandum to Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight for Acting Director."
Poor photocopy. Memorandum discussing a planned lunar orbit mission and who is recommended for it. -
"Memorandum to Dr. Emme - EH through Mr. Shafter - G from Julian Scheer, Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs, National Aeronautics and Space Administration."
This attached correspondence indicates a great deal of confusion and that a number of people are in the act. The matter before the house is whether we will (Dr. von Braun is asked) to allow Logsdon to have a copy of the Von Braun memo to the Vice President on space goals. -
"Memorandum to Dr. Eugene M. Emme, Code EH, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D. C. from Bart J. Slattery, Jr., Chief of Public Affairs."
Memorandum from NASA Chief of Public Affairs to Eugine M. Emme. States that a video from Wernher von Braun are included regarding his views on the NASA program. -
"Memorandum to Dr. Seamans from Mr. Holmes. Subject: F-1 engine combustion instability problems."
Memorandum discussing a presentation regarding problems that needed solving, a "Dr. Evvard's" lack of cooperation and letters to Wernher von Braun. -
"Memorandum to Margaret from Mrs. Bonnie Holmes, Secretary."
Memorandum apologizing for the wrong date placed on a previous memorandum. -
"Memorandum to Mr. Hal Seawright, TS-PP, from Norman L. Cropp, Jr., Film Coordinator. Declassification of S-I/IB quarterly film report #18."
Memorandum declassifying "Quarterly Film Report #18." -
"Memorandum to Mr. Horner from T. Keith Glennan, Administrator."
Memorandum discussing possibilities of obtaining or reallocating funding to speed up the 'super booster' program. -
"Memorandum, routing slip, and letter by Harold G. Russell, Colonel, USAF, concerning the Business Week article 'North American tries to advance under fire.'"
This document also contains part of the Business Week article "North American tries to advance under fire", (June 3, 1967) pages 154 to 162. The complete article can be found at the UAH Library in microfilm format.; The document has handwritten notes and is a poor photocopy.