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  • spacebusinessdaily_19651104.pdf

    This is Vol. 23, No. 4 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include Soviet communication with France, a delay in the Surveyor landing schedule, the missile launch detections systems (the MIDAS program), parachute testing for the Apollo program, laser technology, upcoming conferences, contracts awarded, and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19651105.pdf

    This is Vol. 23, No. 5 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the development of a anti-tank missile, an update on the Gemini VII and VI rendezvous mission, Soviet space activities, the launch of a French Vesta rocket, financial information, new grants, current studies, DOD contracts and negotiations, and a comparison of major space "firsts" achieved by the U.S. and the Soviet.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19651109.pdf

    This is Vol. 23, No. 7 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include upcoming demonstrations of CLAM propulsion concepts and new rocket nozzle systems, the upcoming launch of France's first satellite, considerations of a manned Mars flyby in the coming decade, Apollo heat shields, the launch of the first NASA gravity graadient stabilized spacecraft, economical information, a summary of NASA's advanced study program, and DOD and NASA negotiations and contracts.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19651123.pdf

    This is Vol. 23, No. 16 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the Franco-Russian ComSat tests, France's first satellite ready for launch, new studies are launched including operational extravehicular capabilities and hydra-launch ballistic missile systems, doubts of the truthfulness of Soviet's 'walk in space', and negotiations in the making for the McDonnell strike.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660200.pdf

    This is the Space Log, a monthly publication for the Space Business Daily newsletter. The Space Log includes a detailed timeline of space activity and research over the course of the month of February.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660100.pdf

    This is the Space Log, a monthly publication for the Space Business Daily newsletter. The Space Log includes a detailed timeline of space activity and research over the course of the month, and a space flight log for January.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19651100.pdf

    This is the Space Log, a monthly publication for the Space Business Daily newsletter. The Space Log includes a detailed timeline of space activity and research over the course of the month, a space flight log, and a suborbital/missile log.