Back: Capri Motel, Memorial Parkway on U.S. Highway 72, 231,431 North, Huntsville, Alabama, Phone Jefferson 6-7441. New Modern, Air Conditioned, Electric Heat, Tile Baths, Tub & Shower, Telephones, Installed Music - Wall to Wall Carpet - Restaurant Nearby - Reasonable Rates. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Verburg - Owners and Managers.
Back: ALABAMA A&M COLLEGE, Normal, Alabama Carnegie Library is a two-story brick structure of colonial design. It has a capacity of 50,000 volumes and seating space for 236. The building contains two reading rooms, a reference room, a seminar room, reference and general stacks, and an office for the staff of the library.
Back: Centaur II, our first space vehicle to use liquid hydrogen as a propellent, undergoes pre-launch tests. The NASA Marshall Space Flight Center at Huntsville, Alabama, has been developing and providing rockets for our space achievements since the very beginning of our entry into this field.