Front: General Finance Co. - 106 W. Clinton St. - Huntsville, Ala. Back: GENERAL FINANCE CO., 106 West Clinton Street, HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA A money lending institution, organized and incorporated April 1, 1939 by 100% local citizens, using nothing but local capital, for the benefit of salaried employees. Arnold Kay, Sec'y and Treas.
Back: GRAND CLEANERS. FUR STORAGE Since 1920 801 FRANKLIN STREET, E. SHELBY JOHNSON, Prop., HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA DON'T LET MILDEW AND MOTHS ROB YOUR CLOTHES OF THEIR NEW LOOK. Store Winter Garments in air that's Cool and Fresh and Dry. Huntsville's Most Modern Wearing Apparell Storage Vaults. They are INSURED. GRAND CLEANERS, 801 Franklin St.