Back: The W. H. Green Hall. Oakwood College, Huntsville, Ala., built in 1956 of brick colonial architectural design, contains the Behavioral Science and Religion Department. The book store is housed in the east wing.
Back: The W. J. Blake Memorial Center, Oakwood College, Huntsville, Ala., built in 1969, contains offices for the United Student Movement and the Student Development. On the ground level there is a Student Recreation Center. The upper level houses the cafeteria, administrative offices and Student and Faculty lounges.
Front: Wake Robin Motel, Huntsville, Ala., 1 Mile North on U. S. 231 Back: WAKE ROBIN MOTEL, One Mile North on U.S. Highway 231, Huntsville, Ala. Air conditioned optional. Modern and Quiet. "Comfort without Extravagance". Phone 9146.
Front: Huntsville, Ala. Back: HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA, WASHINGTON STREET AT NIGHT Huntsville was the scene of these "firsts" in Alabama: 1811 - first town incorporated 1812 - first Masonic Lodge chartered 1816 - first bank incorporated 1819 - first state constitution drafted 1819 - first governor inaugurated 1819 - first session of state legislature held 1824 - first cotton mill erected 1965 - first in "Outer Space, U.S.A."