Back: The first flight configuration of the giant Saturn C-1 rocket is seen at the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, N.A.S.A. Huntsville, Ala. The C-1 will be capable of placing about 10 tons into low earth orbit.
Back: ALABAMA SPACE AND ROCKET CENTER, Tranquility Base, Huntsville, Alabama. Scale model of the Apollo/Saturn V moon rocket on exhibit at the World's Largest space exhibit.
Back: ALABAMA SPACE AND ROCKET CENTER, Huntsville. Ala. The Earth's Largest Space Museum offers an unrivaled display of American rocketry. The Spacedome theater and a tour of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center complete a day of family fun and education. The center Is home of the United States Space Camp.
Back: ALABAMA SPACE AND ROCKET CENTER Earth's Largest Space Exhibit, Tranquility Base, Huntsville. Alabama 35807. The Alabama Space and Rocket Center is the largest missile and space eihibit in the world. It was dedicated by the citizens of Alabama to those Americans who made it possible for man to walk on the moon and to explore the universe; and to the youth of America who will utilize space technology for the benefit of mankind.