Back: LACROSSE GUIDED MISSILE, REDSTONE ARSENAL, HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA. An Army surface-to-surface artillery guided missile. The Lacrosse system consists of three basic units the missile, which is a solid fuel rocket, a launcher mounted on a standard Army truck, and a guidance station. The Lacrosse is capable of delivering a variety of warheads, at the direction of the combat commander, with precision accuracy.
Back: The second Uprated Saturn I launch vehicle (designated AS-203) leaves the launch pod at Cape Kennedy, Fla., on July 5, 1966. Saturn was developed at MSFC, Huntsville, Alabama.
Front: Maple Grove Cottages, Huntsville, Ala. U. S. 241 N. 1 mi. Back: MAPLE GROVE COTTAGES, member AAA, American Motor Hotel Association, American Motel Association. Every cottage with private bath, insulated, automatic heat, cross ventilation, ceiling fans.
Front: Maple Grove Motel, U.S. 231 N., Huntsville, Ala. Back: Maple Grove Motel, P. O. Box 196, Pho. 1376. Within historical city of Huntsville, location of famed Redstone Arsenal (Army Rocket Research Headquarters). Spacious, quiet, comfortable, air conditioning & electric heat optional. Simmons furnished, private baths. Family units. Member UMC & NCCA. Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Shockley - Managers.
Back: HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA. NASA - Marshall Space Flight Center's Space Orientation Center. Rocket engine exhibits and other space-age displays are exhibited at the MSFC Space Orientation Center.
Front: Mercury Redstone Back: National Aeronautics and Space Administration's "Mercury-Redstone" being readied for launch at the Cape Kennedy launch site. The rocket was provided by the NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama.