This virtual talk includes a lecture from Dr. Tom Reidy, editor of the 2020 edition of Frances Roberts' 1956 dissertation, with comments and moderation by UAH Head of Archives and Special Collections Reagan Grimsley and History Department Chair Stephen Waring. The talk was given as part of an Alabama Humanities Alliance grant, in partnership with the UAH M. Louis Salmon Library, the UAH Humanities Center, and the UAH History Department.
This exhibit was made possible by a grant from the Alabama Humanities Alliance in collaboration with the UAH History Department and the UAH Humanities Center.
A document used by the 1917 AIDS Clinic in Birmingham, Alabama to detail out the best practices for the AIDS Care/AIDS Support teams. These concepts were taught in training sessions, and give practices to help volunteers provide the best care possible to patients they are working with. These best practices are also currently used for support teams for other illness than HIV.