The drawings include plans for a building a well in the sidewalk with a glass top for viewing the "old handmade brick walk" underneath the current sidewalk. In one of the notes, architect Harvie P. Jones notes that the historic sidewalk probably dates from the early to mid-nineteenth century "based on its depth of approximately 10" below the present walk." The well is located in front of 205 East Side Square. It was restored in 2018.
This photo shows the LRV on the moon at the Hadley-Appenine mountain range landing site during the Apollo 15 mission. Developed by Marshall Space Flight Center and built by Boeing, the LRV was an electric vehicle used to explore the Moon's surface during the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions.
Developed by Marshall Space Flight Center and built by Boeing, the LRV was an electric vehicle used to explore the Moon's surface during the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions.
Developed by Marshall Space Flight Center and built by Boeing, the LRV was an electric vehicle used to explore the Moon's surface during the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions.
The program includes a diagram of the arrangement of the collection, a brief biographical sketch of Ley, and a program for the "Ley Memorial Symposium on Science and Technology in the 1970's." Willy Ley died in 1969. The UAH Library purchased his book collection from his widow, Olga Ley, in 1970.
Christensen then worked in the Division of Graduate Programs and Research at UAH. The UAH Library purchased the Willy Ley Collection from Ley's widow, Olga, in 1970.
Today this sign is on display in the Archives and Special Collections reading room on the ground floor of the library. The UAH Library purchased the Willy Ley Collection from Ley's widow, Olga, in 1970.