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Marshall County Historical Site Survey
This section contains reports related to the Marshall County Historical Site Survey. The reports are centered around soil-maps and other maps related to traffic. -
Letter to E. L. Love from G. E. Baxter of Baxter Brothers Contractors and Builders.
This letter states that Baxter Brothers will furnish the material and labor for the construction of the Hutchens' building for $23,000.00. -
World War I diary of Don Betsinger.
Betsinger served in the U.S. Army during World War I. Born on March 5, 1900, he was from Chicago, Illinois and enlisted as a private in the 12th Field Artillery in 1917. He embarked for France from Hoboken, New Jersey in early January 1918. The diary appears to include letters to his family and is missing many pages. The entries include opinions about the war, observations of fellow soldiers, and experiences in combat, including discussion of heavy shelling and mustard gas during the Battle of Belleau Wood in June 1918. Many of the descriptions are graphic in nature. Betsinger survived the war and later moved to Monte Vista, Colorado, where he operated the Triangle Tourist Camp in the 1940s. His wife, Elda Aden Betsinger, was a public school teacher. He died in San Diego, California in January 1980. -
Tiere der Urwelt: in 30 Kunstblättern nach wissenschaftliche Material bearbeitet.
This set of illustrated cards includes thirty color prints of various animals of the prehistoric world. The Theodor Reichardt Cocoa Company produced five different series of these cards in the early twentieth century. While the cover indicates that this volume contains cards from series 1a, it also includes cards from series 1 and series 2a. Many of the pages show notes made in ink by science writer Willy Ley, the book's original owner. -
Letter to Oscar Goldsmith from S. D. Brewsters about yearly sales and inventory.
S. D. Brewster writes to Oscar Goldsmith in response to a previous letter in which Goldsmith sent earning statements for the Dallas Mnfg. Co. He details how the profit was lower than he had hoped and wish the treasurer, Mr. Rison, who had been sick and just returned from Minnesota, well. -
Agreement for the installation of galvanized roofing.
Agreement for the installation of galvanized roofing on a cotton shed occupied and rented by Gilbert Bros. from I. Schiffman and Co. at the request of Bettie Schiffman. Bettie's name appears on documents after July 1910 due to the death of her husband, Isaac. -
Weekly Prayer Card, undated
This folder contains correspondence, postcards and prayer cards offering condolences. -
Colcock, Charles J. to Pettus, Richard E. (genealogy correspondence), 1905 - 1927
Contains a series of correspondence between Charles J. Colcock and Richard E. Pettus regarding the writing, funding and publishing Charles' manuscript.