Gleason writes to Newman about the letters from Mrs. Pitcher, asking if she could borrow them. She also mentions her brother, Robert, and his health. Gleason attaches a copy of a notice of land for sale in the letter that was taken from the Washington Intelligencer a few years earlier. The notice of land for sale details a tract of land "being in the whole about one thousand acres," called Benfield located in Charles County, Maryland by private contract. This document gives insight into land value in the area, as well as the neighborhood and house that sits on the land. The end of the document includes the next three owners that the land was sold to in 1817, 1835, and 1935.
This section appears to be a collection booklet of TARCOG correspondence, job descriptions, employee/management registers and survey forms. Contains maps paired with certain survey reports.
This section contains reports and maps related to the Madison County Historical Site Survey. Maps appear to be hand-drawn. Contains reports and maps from Madison County, Mississippi and Madison County, Alabama.
The section contains content relating to a number of historical-building / site surveys covering numerous counties as well as a guide-book that instructs how to conduct such a survey. Contains official forms required for conducting survey as well as a step-by-step guide and timeline essential to completing survey efficiently and effectively. Includes staff-list, expected deadlines and inventory of historical sites to survey. Contains handwritten notes on some pages correcting typos.
This section contains an essay of historic sites in Madison County, Alabama as well as historic site applications for historic sites in Madison County, Contains descriptions and context for each historic site, why the site should be considered one. Handwritten notes are scribbled across some of the pages, pointing out and correcting typos, making editing suggestions and scratching out lines entirely.