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News clippings announcing new citizenship for a group of German teenagers living in Huntsville, Alabama.
The members of the group were all children of German engineers who were brought to the United States under Operation Paperclip. The clippings include photos of the group with their new immigration registration cards. -
"14 Employees Graduated With First UAH Class."
Clipping from the Marshall Star, May 29, 1968, vol. 8, no. 36. -
Telegram and a handwritten letter from A. J. Abrahams to S. Schiffman.
In the telegram A. J. Abrahams acknowledges that S. Schiffman will cover a $300 bill. It ends with a promise to explain the circumstances in a letter that will follow. In the handwritten letter to S. Schiffman, A. J. Abrahams details the circumstances surrounding the need for S. Schiffman to cover the bill and thanks him for his kindness. -
Memorandum from Dr. C. Adams, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Building Committee, to Christel McCanless, Librarian, Huntsville Campus Library.
The memo contains calculations for necessary shelf space and access space in the proposed library building and takes account of collection growth. Includes floor plans and elevations. -
Special Orders Number 135.
This is an extract from Special Orders Number 135 regarding Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. -
"Frances Roberts: Her Life and Legacy" exhibit panels.
This exhibit was made possible by a grant from the Alabama Humanities Alliance in collaboration with the UAH History Department and the UAH Humanities Center. -
"Application of Nuclear Propulsion to the Mars Manned Landing Mission."
This report has been prepared to provide Aerojet management and the interested NASA offices with nuclear propulsion decision aid data. The primary intent of these analyses is to evaluate potential space missions which may utilize nuclear propulsion in an effort to determine the most desirable characteristics of a nuclear propulsion system. -
Letter to Robert K. Bell from Col. Forrest J. Agee.
Agee writes this letter in response to Bell's June 3, 1957 letter to the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, regarding request for access to classified information. He states that the request is "not favorable considered" and the necessary information could "readily be obtained from direct testimony." -
"Interview With Dr. Arthur Rudolph."
Transcription of an interview between Davis S. Akens and Arthur Rudolph