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1963 Fort Bliss Old Timers Reunion booklet and letter.
The materials include a letter from Walter Wiesman and an Old Timers Reunion booklet. The booklet includes reproduced news clippings, the reunion program, and photographs from Fort Bliss, as well as photographs of reunion attendees and activities with subjects identified. The reunion booklet also includes photographs from a meeting of the Alabama Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. -
Correspondence between William A. Schulze in Huntsville, Alabama, and Walter Dornberger in Buffalo, New York.
In his letter to Dornberger, Schulze congratulates him on his seventieth birthday and notes, "Looking back 29 years ago when I joined your organization in Kummersdorf, it is hard to single out specific important decisions you made and accomplishments achieved; to me they all appear of outstanding nature. I shall always be grateful for the friendship and experience gained in the development of rockets as a member of your team in those early years." Dornberger's reply is enclosed. -
Correspondence related to Wernher von Braun's sixtieth birthday.
The materials include a congratulatory note from William A. Schulze to von Braun, in which he notes, "To me it appears like yesterday, when we celebrated your 25th birthday in Kummersdorf." Von Braun's response, handwritten on a card, reads: "It was also great to be 25 or so, when we started working together!" Enclosed are instructions from Eberhard Rees encouraging Marshall retirees to send von Braun personalized birthday wishes for inclusion in a bound volume later. -
Program from the Challenger disaster memorial service held in Huntsville, Alabama.
The service was held in downtown Huntsville at the Von Braun Civic Center Concert Hall. The program includes remarks from Edward O. Buckbee, Mayor Joe Davis, and Alabama's Teacher in Space finalist Robert Kirchner. -
Transcript of the Civil War diary of George Washington Harris.
Harris served as a private in Company F of the 149th Indiana Infantry Regiment, which occupied Decatur, Alabama in 1865. He enrolled at Terre Haute, Indiana, on February 15, 1865 at the age of twenty. Harris records his experiences as a soldier and traces his journey south to Decatur. Harris was discharged on September 27, 1865. The transcription includes a key to the cipher that Harris sometimes used, as well as notes and clarifications in brackets and parentheses. Also included are the complete lyrics to the Union song "Reply to the Bonnie Blue Flag," part of which Harris records in an entry here. -
News clippings announcing new citizenship for a group of German teenagers living in Huntsville, Alabama.
The members of the group were all children of German engineers who were brought to the United States under Operation Paperclip. The clippings include photos of the group with their new immigration registration cards. -
Ballou Ballyhoo, vol. 9, issue 2, May 24, 1947.
This newsletter was produced by the crew of the USAT General C.C. Ballou and includes information about services onboard, ship terminology, and news bulletins. The family of William A. Mrazek, an engineer who was already in the United States at Fort Bliss, Texas, immigrated from Germany to the United States on the Ballou. The newsletter was produced in both English and German. -
German national identity card issued to Berta Mrazek.
This German identity card, or Personalausweis, was issued to Berta Mrazek at Nestomitz, Germany (now Neštěmice, Czech Republic) in 1941. The card includes a photograph of Mrazek and her daughter Ursula. -
Ancestor pass issued to Berta Mrazek.
The document identifies Berta Mrazek's family lineage, including parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and 2nd-great grandparents. The Ahnenpass was a standard booklet issued to German citizens in order to prove their ancestry in the Third Reich.