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"A Comparison of Advanced Cooling Techniques for Rocket Thrust Chambers".
The document is a technical paper for Astronautics and Aerospace Engineering Magazine.The copy has handwritten notes that appear to be for revisions. The abstract states "In the early days of rocket propulsion, two primary methods were employed for cooling the walls of thrust chambers. These were uncooled metal chambers where the heat sink capacity of the chamber and nozzle wall materials limited the operating duration, and regeneratively cooled chambers where one of the propellants was circulated in a cooling jacket which constituted the chamber wall. Today, there are at least fourteen different methods with variations for cooling the combustion devices and nozzles of liquid propellant, solid propellant, and/or nuclear rocket propulsion engines. It is the intent of this paper to examine these methods, to describe for each the useful range of operating conditions, as well as present and likely future applications, to define their limitations and associated problems. Emphasis is primarily placed on liquid rocket engines." -
"A Comparison of an MIT Explicit Guidance Principle with MSFC Iterative Guidance."
From the summary: "Both [guidance] schemes steer toward a specified end point. The MIT scheme uses thrust to cancel out the effective gravity, a nonlinear term, which may be inefficient in certain cases. The MSFC scheme is more closely connected with calculus of variations and optimization theory in a reasonable degree of approximation." -
"A comparison of four control systems proposed for Saturn V launch vehicles."
Presented are the results of a study comparing four proposed control systems for the first stage flight of Saturn V launch vehicles. The primary basis of comparison is the effect on structural loads, using the bending moments at three stations as load indicators. Two of the systems sense only the vehicle attitude and attitude rate, while the other two systems also sense the lateral acceleration. A yaw plane wind response analysis, including rigid body translation, rigid body rotation, four bending modes, five slosh modes, and a non ideal control system, was performed. The winds used in the study were the Marshall synthetic profile and three selected Jimsphere-measured real wind profiles. Load relief obtained from the addition of accelerometer feedback in the control loop amounted to about 10 percent at maximum bending moment station. In view of predicted structural capabilities of the vehicle, this reduction in loads was not considered sufficient to offset the added complexity and the slight reduction in rigid body stability . -
"A decade of space progress, 1958 to 1968: General Electric Missile and Space Division offers a pictorial tribute to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration."
Excerpt from G.E. Challenge, Fall (Sept.) 1968, pages 13 to 25. -
"A Description of the ST 124-M Inertial Stabilized Platform and its Application to the Saturn V Launch Vehicle."
This report is a description of the ST124-M inertial stabilized platform system and its application to the Saturn V launch vehicle. It is a summary report providing the system concept and not a theoretical presentation. Mathematical equations were included only where necessary to describe the equipment; however, the detail derivations supporting these equations were not presented since this was not the theme of the paper. -
"A description of the ST-124M inertial stabilized platform and its application to the Saturn V launch vehicle."
This report is a description of the ST-124M inertial stabilized platform system and its application to the Saturn V launch vehicle. It is a summary report providing the system concept, and not a theoretical presentation. Mathematical equations were included only where necessary to describe the equipment; however, the detailed derivations supporting these equations were not presented since this was not the theme of the paper. -
"A Discussion of the Lunar Landing Problem."
Digesu worked in the Astrionics Division of MSFC. This paper was presented at the AIAA Guidance & Control Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 12-14, 1963. -
"A Helium Face Seal Application In a Liquid Oxygen Pump."
Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Fluid Sealing held in conjunction with the 24th annual meeting in Philadelphia, May 5-9, 1969. -
"A Hybrid Simulation for Dynamic Verification of Saturn Guidance and Control Subsystems."
This paper presents a discussion of a hybrid simulation used to dynamically verify the Saturn Guidance and Control subsystems. First, the Saturn vehicle is briefly described to provide background information. The Instrument Unit (IU) is considered in more detail to give a proper setting for the Guidance and Flight Control (G and FC) discussion that follows. After a brief description of the actual G and FC System operation, simulation models of the G and FC components are considered in detail. This is followed by a discussion of the model assignment to a particular computer (digital or analog) and justification for making that assignment. Finally, results of the AS-204/LM1 hybrid simulation studies are briefly considered with mention of the actual flight data. -
"A Nation Goes to the Moon."
Written by NASA Office of Manned Space Flight Associate Administrator George E. Mueller, this is an article from G. E. Challenge, Fall 1966, page 26 to 32.