A photograph of the Black Arrow R4 vehicle's second stage, as photographed in the London Science Museum. It shows clearly the vehicle's Gamma-304 Type 2 Engine, along with the bright red payload faring.
A photograph of the Waxwing SRM (solid rocket motor) used as the 3rd stage on the Black Arrow rocket. Hung in the London Science Museum as it would appear moments after separating from the second stage.
Photograph of the R3 rocket's first stage (taken at FAST), specifically focusing on the engines. Shows the crushed Gamma-304-8 engine along with the first-stage HTP tank.
A photograph taken from inside the cut made in the R3 vehicle's first stage HTP tank. It shows the bottom of the LOX tank along with the top portion of the HTP tank (left) and the rest of the interior of the HTP tank (right).