UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (76 total)

  • Satannprorep_030408114318.pdf

    The Annual Progress Report from July 1st, 1966 through June 30thm 1967.
  • SatVsemAnRep_030308102345.pdf

    MA-001-00202H.; MPR-SAT V 66-3.; ABSTRACT: This Saturn V Semi-Annual Progress report describes progress and major achievements from July 1, 1966, through December 31, 1966, in the Saturn V Program.
  • Satquatecprorep_022108133339.pdf

    Douglas Aircraft Company Report DAC-56533, Saturn S-IVB Quarterly Technical Progress Report, covers design and development progress on the Saturn IB and Saturn V configurations of the S-IVB stage during January, February, and March 1967. This report is prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract NAS7-01.; Prepared for National Aeronautics and Space Administration under NASA contract NAS7-101.; Approved by A. P. O'Neal, Director, Saturn Development Engineering.
  • satuS-IVBquartechprogrepo_110607103908.pdf

    Douglas Aircraft Company Report DAC-56445, Saturn S-IVB Quarterly Technical Progress Report, covers design and development progress on the Saturn IB and Saturn V configurations of the S-IVB stage during August and September 1966. This report is prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract NAS7-101.
  • Propandvehi1968.pdf.pdf

    Monthly progress report of the month of December, 1968.
  • SatuS-II1964.pdf.pdf

    This document is the second annual progress report of the Saturn S-II Program. The report provides a summary and technical analysis of results of contract work by the Space and Information Systems Division of North American Aviation, Inc., for the period 1 July 1963 through 30 June 1964. This document was prepared in compliance with NASA contract NAS7-200.
  • SatuS-II1963.pdf

    This document, prepared in compliance with NASA contract NAS7-200, is the first annual progress report on the Saturn S-11 Program at the Space and Information Systems Division of North American Aviation, Inc. It provides a summary- and a technical analysis of results of contract work for the period 1 July 1962 through 30 June 1963.; SID 63-1028-1 251 pages. Include illustrations.
  • combustionoscillationsonthef1engine_041607125532.pdf

    The set of documents includes an introductory letter written by D. Brainerd Holmes and Tischler's report with the subject "F-1 Combustion Instability Report for Associate Administrator; Period March-April, 1963".
  • Testlaboprogrepomay121966tojune121966_110107111326.pdf

    Monthly rogress report for the test laboratory regarding the Saturn 1B program between Feburary and March
  • Testlaboprogfeb1966_083007095938.pdf

    Monthly rogress report for the test laboratory regarding the Saturn 1B program between Feburary and March
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