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  • spc_stnv_000130.pdf

    Includes change pages. Contract NAS8-14000. Second revised edition. V66-15610. NASA-CR71607. The introduction notes, "This second revised edition of the Astrionics System Handbook has been developed under the direction and overall supervision of Dr. Rudolf Decher of the Astrionics Systems Engineering Office. This description of the Saturn Astrionics System has been generated by personnel of the Astrionics Laboratory, the staff of the Astrionics Systems Engineering Office, and by personnel of the International Business Machines Corporation working under Contract NAS8- 14000. The handbook will be updated and expanded as it becomes necessary due to changes or refinements in the system concept and hardware. Sections not contained in the first release of this document will be made available within three months." Signed by Ludie G. Richard, Chief, Systems Engineering Office, Astrionics Laboratory. The document is missing pages in the following locations: Chapters 8, 9, 12. Sections 15.2, 15.3, 15.4-1 thru 15.4-16, 15.5-1 thru 15.5-2, 15.5-5 thru 15.5-8.
  • spc_stnv_000130.pdf

    This updated edition of the Astrionics System Handbook instructs, "The enclosed pages change, delete, or supplement the information in the Astrionics System Handbook (1 August 1965). Insert these pages and destroy the pages they replace."