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John Rison Jones' handwritten notes describing conditions at Dora-Mittelbau.
Jones was one of the American soldiers who liberated the camp in April 1945. In these notes, he details the structure of the camp and its role as a "large industrial complex for the V-2 missile program." Jones also describes the conditions of the camp at the time of liberation. -
Ron Lancaster's handwritten notes recalling building the Lunar Roving Vehicle.
Ron Lancaster was an engineer for Boeing in Huntsville, Alabama. His handwritten notes describe encounters with astronauts Dave Scott and James Irwin, working with Grumman engineers at Kennedy Space Center, and going inside the Lunar Excursion Module. -
Handwritten note regarding Nickerson case.
This handwritten note states that Colonel Nickerson "has pleaded guilty." It also notes that there are stipulations in the charges that are duplicates. It also contains the names of various people involved with the case including Dr. Stuhlinger, Dr. von Braun and General Pickering. -
Direct and cross examination of a witness at the trial of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr.
This handwritten document contains notes for a witness examination by both the prosecution and defense during the trial of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. -
Handwritten note regarding Nickerson case.
This handwritten note states that "he" is unable to inform the court-martial of the "essential components" of the defense without disclosing top secret information. -
Trial notes during United States vs. John C. Nickerson, Jr.
These trial notes include information given by a witness named James during his final testimony. James states that he is the one who suggested the name of journalist Drew Pearson to Colonel Nickerson. -
Handwritten document regarding information for the case of John C. Nickerson, Jr.
This note states that according to "certain rules of evidence" established by the Federal courts, all information that is necessary for the case must be made available "regardless of the classification of the evidence." -
General notes from the case of John C. Nickerson, Jr.
These handwritten notes include general information from the case of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. Topics include general information and assessment related to the missile program, particularly in the transfer of the program from Army to Air Force direction. It also includes notes on the postponement of the trial.