UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • spc_stnv_000109.pdf

    This paper includes the equations for the bending moment of a launch vehicle with the effects of bending and sloshing dynamics. It also includes a comparison between the bending moment response envelope of the measure winds and the bending moment response of the MSFC synthetic wind profile.
  • rptno24fragge_082707112230.pdf

    Memo to Lee Cropp, I-RM-D concerning security classification.
  • Qtrlyrptladner_072808094003.pdf

    MSFC routing slip to Mr. Lee Cropp concerning the draft copy. Contains hand-written editing suggestions, as well as a note that even if these suggestions are applied, that does not imply approval of the script for use. Covers July, August and September, 1965.
  • Fabrofplentankbyexplformandelecbeamweld_111507104932.pdf

    This report presents the results of a program initiated to study the use of explosive forming and electron beam fusion welding techniques in the fabrication of pressurized cryogenic materials containers. Using these techniques, vessels were successfully formed from 304 stainless steel and X7106 aluminum alloy in the T63 condition.; Manufacturing Research and Technology Division.; Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory.; Research and Development Operations.
  • firannlogmansymsep13and141966.pdf

    The proceedings of the First Annual Logistics Management Symposium are forwarded with the hope that the information will be of assistance to attendees and their staffs in the planning and management of logistics support programs. I recognize that there is still much study required before all management techniques and procedures for support programs are known and understood, but I believe that support problems are made easier by exchange of knowledge. The Symposium was based on this belief and we plan to continue the search for ways to achieve better program support at a lower cost. Edmund F. O'Connor, Director, Industrial Operations.
  • FlevalofthecomandcommusysabAS501_080408170122.pdf

    The first test of the command and communications system, a unified frequency S-band system, aboard AS-501 was successful. Compatibility of this system with the MSFN/USB sites was established. The onboard transponder and antenna system including antenna switching performed as predicted. The command performance was excellent with 5747 valid commands received onboard out of 5748 commands transmitted. Data reduction problems prevented a complete analysis of the tracking data. Telemetry system performance was satisfactory with a measured bit-error-rate of 4 x10-5 while over the Ascension Island station. This flight provided valuable data which can be used to define vehicle to-ground-station interfaces, to establish attitude constraints during translunar injection, and to improve operational procedures. One more test as successful as the AS-501 test would qualify the system as operational.; May 3,1968.
  • Inspweld_022008153722.pdf

    Archive copy is a poor photocopy. Cannot read.
  • Mannplanflybmiss_120408150815.pdf

    This report summarizes a study (by North American Aviation, Space Division) of Manned Interplanetary Flyby Missions to Venus and Mars during the period from 1975 to 1982. [The study was a broad but penetrating technical investigation of using a manned flight system for planetary exploration.] The results, along with previously known aspects of manned Mars and Venus flyby missions, vehicles, and systems, were integrated into total mission-system capable of performing a realistic and meaningful planetary exploration program. Manned Planetary Missions are feasible. Attractive multiplanet flyby missions can be performed by Saturn/Apollo systems. However, injected payload and mission requirements developed within the guidelines and assumptions of this study cannot be met with modified S-II or S-IV stages when used with the standard Saturn V Earth-launch vehicle. When using an Earth orbit assembly mode and an uprated Saturn Earth launch vehicle for application to manned planetary flyby missions, the launch vehicle should have a payload capability (2-stage to low Earth orbit) of 400,000 pounds or more for use with M(S)-IVB planetary injection stages. Manned planetary flyby missions provide a means of combining the favorable aspects of both manned and unmanned missions into a unique and highly effective planetary exploration mission-system capable of providing major significant inputs to the scientific and engineering questions concerning the interplanetary medium, our Sun, and our neighboring planets Venus and Mars.
  • Meetwithdire_111808165933.pdf

    The following people participated in an all day meeting at ABMA Huntsville on 6 January 1960: Dr. W. Von Braun, Mr. E. Rees, Mr. A. Hyatt, Mr. A. Siepert. Writer of the memorandum is Abraham Hyatt, Deputy Director, Launch Vehicle Programs.
  • sdsp_skyl_000026-000027.pdf