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"Fact Sheet" for "Space City USA Theme Park."
This document provides facts of the Space City USA Theme Park "Project," "Purpose," "History & Organization," "Financing," "Design & Construction," "Features," "Rides and Attractions," "Attendance Factors," and "Projections." -
Document listing "the joint Army-NASA contribution toward meeting the library needs of the University of Alabama in Huntsville."
The suggested contributions include funding, journal subscriptions, and reference tools. -
"University of Alabama Huntsville Center Library-Information Concerning The Library."
The document provides the library hours, library smoking policy, location of library materials, and fines for the loss of library materials. -
Briefing for Apollo 10.
This document contains a transcript of the briefing meeting for the launch of Apollo 10. Participants include George H. Hage, Colonel Thomas McMullen, and William J. O'Donnell. -
"Apollo Documentation Administration Instruction."
According to the foreword found on page i, this document includes instructions on "procedures, methods and practices...necessary for the effective management of a program documentation system." -
Technical information summary of the Apollo Saturn 1B flight vehicle.
According to the summary found on page 1, this document "presents a brief and concise description of the AS-204/LM-1 Apollo Saturn Space Vehicle." The information within the document allows readers to follow the timeline of the space vehicle's lift-off and journey to space. -
"Apollo Program Management Volume 3."
According to the introduction found on page ii, this document was created to detail the "MSFC segment of the total Apollo Management process and to describe the methodologies and techniques currently being implemented." -
"Apollo/Saturn Guide for the Preparation of Specifications: Volume I of II Volumes."
According to the purpose found in section 1.1, "Volume I provides a guide for the preparation of specifications for existing equipment in the Apollo/Saturn Program." -
The "Apollo/Saturn Guide for the Preparations of Specifications: Volume II of II Volumes."
This reproduced copy contains 43 pages of "general instructions for the uniform preparation of Project, System, and Contract End Items Specifications for Apollo/Saturn new equipment and major refurbishment." -
"Apollo Telescope Mount Fact Sheet."
This fact sheet contains information related to the Apollo Telescope Mount, or ATM, which allows scientists to look at the activity of the sun through the fogging effects of the earth's atmosphere. -
Volume II Appendices for the Saturn V Derivative Launch Vehicle System Study.
According to the table of contents, this volume of appendices contain various charts, graphs, and diagrams related to the S-IC stage data, instrument unit data, and vehicle data. -
"Appendix to Chapter II of a Survey of Various Vehicle Systems for the Manned Lunar Landing Mission."
This appendix includes various diagrams of orbital launch vehicles, graphs of propellant and tankweight, returnpayload, and lift-off requirements, velocity requirements for a manned lunar mission, multiple drawings for the Saturn C-3 vehicles, lunar mission payloads, information of vehicle size, and a summary of the Saturn C-3 lunar mission. -
Summary of the "rapidly expanding activities of the University of Alabama in Huntsville."
The document offers an overview of research, graduate instruction, undergraduate instruction, and continuing education, as well as a description of the university's facilities and the surrounding area. The author notes that "planning of a first phase of a permanent library and of a science and engineering laboratory/classroom building" is underway. -
Typewritten draft of a summary of UAH Library collections.
Includes handwritten notes from Librarian Christel McCanless and others. -
"Major Library Tools for Literature Searches."
This document discusses the types of publications used in information and literature searches, these being bibliographies, indexes, and abstract journals, and provides examples of these publications. It also gives examples of report citations and instructions on understanding them. -
"Sources of Biographical Information."
This document lists the building and section locations of particular book and non-book sources for biographical information on the UAH campus. -
Order of march for the academic procession for the May 1968 graduation ceremony.
Includes a memorandum to the faculty from Michael F. La Bouve, Director of Admissions and Student Affairs, which notes where and when graduation will be held, as well as marching instructions. The order of march is included, with faculty and staff ordered by rank and seniority. -
"Things to Remember for the Successful Operation of the UAH Library."
This document provides a humorous take on what one must remember in order to keep the library running smoothly, such as having golf scores ready when dealing with the art department and consulting the cataloging department if in need of coffee cake. -
Library self study questions.
Includes notes handwritten by Librarian Christel McCanless. -
Document describing the past of the UAH library compared to its present state and future expansion.
This document discusses the space the library used in Morton Hall and the Graduate Studies building and states a plan for housing library materials between the two locations. A library fact sheet is attached. -
"UAH Summary Statistics-Cataloging and Circulation Departments."
This document lists the number of books added and circulated in the month of October. -
Education and occupation information on Edwin D. Burwell.
This document lists Burwell's military education, civilian education, and civilian occupations. -
Document acknowledging transportation for Edwin D. Burwell Jr.
This document certifies Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s authorization for priority air travel between 22 September and 2 October 1944. -
Duty reassignment for Edwin D. Burwell Jr.
Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr. was assigned to move from the 1147th to the 1103rd Engineer Combat Group. -
"Abstract Record of Hospitalization and Notification of Hospital Discharge" for Edwin D. Burwell Jr.
The document notes Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s personal information, date of admission, diagnoses, operations, and recommendations for assignment. -
Extract document listing army members.
The document provides the members' ranks, names, ASNs, ARMs, ASRs, and organizations. -
Sick Report for Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.
The medical officer notes: "I certify that the above mentioned officer was sick while on leave and unfit to travel till 12-9-45". -
Document stating the train route, equipment, Train Commander, and GR Supervisor.
The Train Commander is 1st Lieutenant William P. Goodroe and the GR Supervisor is Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr. -
List of supervisors for train travel groups.
The list provides the symbols of unit designation and the supervisors for particular groups and their destinations. -
"Conductor's Report of Army, Navy Or Marine Personnel Carried" from the Atlanta and West Point Rail Road Company.
The conductor's report notes 158 passengers in coach from Augusta to Atlanta. -
"Immunization Register".
The immunization register shows dates Edwin D. Burwell Jr. recieved vaccines for smallpox, triple typhoid, tetanus, yellow fever, and others diseases.